Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mail Time

Last week when I got the mail, I had mixed emotions. Part of me was really happy and the other part, very irritated. How can the mail cause such strong feelings? Well, the first thing I opened was a book I ordered from Amazon.com that I have been looking forward to for months.

I LOVE Russell Brand and his first book was great. I’m so excited to get started on this.

Then I saw my magazines. First off was my husband’s Maxim. I read it cover to cover every month. It’s interesting and entertaining and they usually showcase the hottest women in pop culture. So what the hell is up with Avril Lavigne as the cover girl?

Gross. She’s not even relevant right now. Her last album sucked and she doesn’t have anything to promote. This is her third time being on the cover and I just don’t get it, I don’t see the appeal. She’s so fake and tries too hard to be a bad ass. She’s a mature 26 years old now. Time to grow up. And really? With the hair? The eyeliner? Flipping off the camera during a photo shoot? The new “fuck” tattoo? I will admit that I used to be a fan. Her first two albums were great. And maybe I am a bit jealous that she’s dating hottie Brody Jenner. But Maxim, you let me down this month.

Then I saw Glamour magazine. It was like a breath of fresh air.

Taylor Swift is so darn adorable and sweet, talented and likeable. I have yet to read the article, but I do know she’ll be down to earth and charming and I will be picking up her new CD next week.

And just as I felt all was right with the magazine world, I saw Us Weekly.

Teen Moms AGAIN? This is the forth Us Weekly cover in two months. I’m over it! I don’t watch the show, and I don’t understand how it’s so popular, but I’m tired of seeing teen moms benefit for mistakes they’ve made (uh hem, Bristol Palin). Stay at home and take care of your kid!  

Let’s hope next week’s mail is more promising. I’m sure the magazines will be littered with articles about celebrity divorces. I can handle that.

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