Friday, October 22, 2010

Nick Vujicic

Fellow New Zealand Blogger Dave posted this video, "Why is this man so happy." I had seen him on TV but reading about him touched me more.

Nick Vujicic is an inspirational young man. He is only twenty eight, two years older than my first born.

Two things happened today. I wasn't even going to do this post. But God led me to do it.

This morning, in my ESOL 8 year olds of one Thai, One Vietnamese, One Chinese, One Samoan and one Tongan class, usually I ring their rooms to tell them to come to my room. This morning, nobody answered the Thai boy's. I went to get him. While walking to my room, he told me that his dog had died, and he was very sad. I changed my lesson plan and did my lesson on Feeling sad.

We talked on different reasons why we feel sad. The kids talked about pets and loved ones dying and getting sick. I explained about losing things. I told them it is exactly one month to my son's 21st anniversary. They asked if I was still very sad. I told them, I am still sad sometimes, but it's twenty one years ago, so I don't feel too sad.

Then this evening, I read Dave's post. I told Dave that whenever I see parents with very handicapped children, my heart tells me that it was better that Andrew had died. My Andrew was too sick and could never be a Nick Vujicic.

I told my students that when you are sad, it is good to talk to someone, me for example. Now, I am telling you all that I feel a little sad.

I chose this photo of Australia because Nick Vujicic was born in Brisbane and he went to university on the Goldcoast.

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