Monday, August 16, 2010

ABC Wednesday: E for electricity meter
ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt

My friends marvel at this system in New Zealand. Some of the houses have their electricity meters inside the house. It is quite inconvenient when the meter person comes, and you are not at home, or if you have a dog. So the power company allows you to read you own power meter and phone them the figure. My friends couldn't believe this trust that been given to the household. Of course, I would imagine, every now and then, they would come and do a spot check.

All this not so rosy however, in 2007, a silly idiot cut off the power to a sick woman dependent on the electricity to run her breathing machine over an over due account of
168.40 New Zealand dollars (U.S.$123). 44 year old Folole Muliaga paid with her life for that.

Addition: This sad case of Folole Muliaga was a case one person saying this, and another person saying another thing and ultimately no amount of money can bring her back from death.

The family of Auckland woman Folole Muliaga plan to sue both Mercury Energy and Middlemore Hospital over the mother of four's tragic death.

In June 2010, Legal papers are to be filed at the Auckland High Court seeking financial redress from Mercury and the hospital regarding Mrs Muliaga's death, which followed power being cut to her Mangere home in 2007, Fairfax media reported.

Mrs Muliaga, 45, a morbidly obese woman, was using a mains-powered oxygen machine and died three hours after a contractor to Mercury Energy disconnected her power over an unpaid bill of $168.40.

In findings released in 2008 following an inquest, Coroner Gordon Matenga found that the action of cutting Mrs Muliaga's power on May 29 2007 was a factor in her death.

Mercury later presented the Muliaga family with $10,000, but now lawyer Olinda Woodroffe is reported to be seeking more.

Mrs Muliaga's widower Lopaavea Muliaga said he wanted closure for himself and his children.

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