Monday, August 23, 2010

watery wednesday: rain
It's raining, it's pouring.
I am stuck behind a heavy vehicle which is traveling very slowly.
Just as well, I am going home and not rushing off to work.

We didn't have a good winter, there were not many days with sunshine. In Christchurch, they actually had 2 days of sunshine in the month. We are always blaming the weather office for not predicting accurately. Now they ( National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa),)have brought in a new $12.7m computer which they say will yield more accurate rainfall predictions.

It is not so important for ordinary people like me to know whether I should hang the laundry out or go to the beach for a swim. Or I can't see our famous Sky tower from school. But for the commercial fishermen, the accurate prediction may mean life or death of his life and business.

Storm lashes Auckland's waterfront

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