Monday, August 30, 2010

Music Monday - All I Need

I have never been a big Christina Aguilera fan. I like her singles alright but something about her just bugs me. I’m not saying she isn’t beautiful, amazingly talented and a great songwriter, but she always seems so cocky. I was easily bored by her and her music. That is until Bionic came out. This album is so fun. There are a few stupid tracks on it, but she really doesn’t sounds like herself and the music is so different. I love her dance electronic songs, but the four slow songs on the album are really, really good. Better than any of her other ballads. This is my favorite, about her love for her son. It melts my heart thinking about my own son. Nolan's birthday is today, so this goes out to my favorite two year old in the world!

Christina Aguilera - All I Need

Taking my time, seeing the signs, letting you guide me home
Watching you grow, letting you know you are my only

Happy birthday, Nolan!

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