Friday, August 27, 2010

Sesame Street

Nolan will be two next week! I never intended for him to watch tv until he hit that age, but he got really sick with RSV back in February, when he was 17 months old. He was already too skinny and (still is) a very picky eater so the only way we could get fluids down him was to turn on Sesame Street and let him watch Elmo. He was distracted so he would drink Pedialyte and Pediasure and only lost a pound during the month he was sick. I know that is actually quite a lot of weight for a 22 pound year and a half year old, but it could have been so much worse. Didn't he look so miserable?

Since then, we’ve let him continue to watch Sesame Street while drinking his Pediasure before bed. He only likes “Elmo’s World” so it’s about fifteen minutes of tv time.

Sesame Street is a much different show than I remember. There are new characters (Abby Cadaby, Murray and Rosita), new segments (like Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventure - in claymation) and tons of guest stars. Of course Jake Gyllenhaal was my favorite!

Take a look at some of the other celebrity guests.

Paul Rudd

Sarah Jessica Parker

Brian Williams

Adrian Grenier

Cameron Diaz

Michelle Obama

Anderson Cooper

Jimmy Fallon

Maggie Gyllenhaal

And there are some great songs too.

Jason Mraz

Ricky Gervais

Adam Sandler


If you haven't seen an episode lately, check it out. I'm excited to see which guest stars the new season will bring.

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