Monday, August 30, 2010

Mellow yellow Monday: Cleaning sign

In New Zealand, we have ACC or The Accident Compensation Corporation. It provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand.

If you have an accident where the cleaner has just cleaned the floor, you can't sue the company that employs him. The ACC will pay for your medical bills and 80% of your pre injury wages if you can't work. But the company has to pay a levee to ACC. So companies try to minimise accidents with signs like this.

The ACC Scheme provides a range of entitlements to injured people, from contribution towards the cost of treatment, to weekly compensation for lost earnings and even home or vehicle modifications for the seriously injured.

They are talking about changing the policy. Right now, you are paid ACC even if you had the accident while committing a crime which to many is really stupid.

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