Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Project 52 Update

I’m going to check in once a month to show you how I’m doing on my Project 52 list. You can see the list in its entirety by clicking the tab above.  


13. Find a good Twitter app. I’m using TweetDeck on my phone and computer and I love it.

32. Clean out my closet. I got rid of so much stuff! I gave a bag full of clothes to a friend and donated all this:

Here's our clean, organized closet.  

36. Play in the snow with the kids. Our snow storm really helped me out with that one. I think 8 inches qualifies! Now we don't have to drive up to the mountains.

39. Clean out my bathroom. Jacob and I are both pretty clean, but it's so nice to have our own sinks! I just really needed to purge. I had products from five years ago that I haven't touched since then. Remember? That's where I found these:

I purged and organized under the sink and bought this at Target to keep my countertop clutter free.

It doesn't stay very organized though. Milo learned how to open cupboards and drawers, so this happens just about every day:


1. Lose 30 pounds. I’ve lost 5! I joined Weight Watchers online a few weeks ago. It's really helping me with portion control and snacking. I love that I can enter my usual recipes and figure out how many points our meals are. The iPhone apps are awesome too. I LOVE the barcode scanner. I use it all the time while shopping and it's prevented me from buying junk food more than once.

2. Go on one date each month. I'm counting my birthday as a date even though friends were there. It was a night out with drinks and without kids. That’s what matters!

5. Enroll Nolan in preschool. I started taking him to a drop off program. He goes from 9:30 to 11:30 one day a week. They do a craft, have circle time, eat a snack and then free play. I think it’s a good way to get my his feet wet.

8. Donate blood four times. I did this yesterday. If you follow me on Instagram (christinareads) you probably saw this gross picture. I thought making it black and white would make it less creepy. I don't know if that worked.

10. Read 24 books. I read FIVE this month. The Jungle, Roseannearchy, Of Mice And Men, Everything I Needed To Know About Being A Girl I Learned From Judy Blume, and It Gets Better. And I just started reading 11/22/63.

 11. Read at least four classics. Two so far! The Jungle and Of Mice And Men.


18. Try one new recipe a month. I made chicken gyros. Our pitas were pretty dry and wouldn't fold without ripping so we had to eat them open. They weren't terrible, but they weren't awesome either. I don't think I'll make them again.

40. Get more involved with my neighbors. I had another stay at home mom and her two boys over for a play date last week. She’s the only neighbor that has really reached out to me. I guess I need to make the effort with some other neighbors.


15. Use our elliptical three times a week. Um. I haven't been on it once this entire month.

43. Make a new friend. I'm kinda sad about this one. I reconnected with a middle school friend on Facebook. We realized we have a ton in common and over the past two months we hung out about once a week, usually going to movies. But her husband got a job in Nevada and she up and left me last week. Bummer! Back to square one.

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