Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So Surprised

Ok, I know it seems like I hate on Taylor Swift a lot. I really do like her. I think she’s adorable and talented. She does a lot for charity. She seems down to earth in spite of her fame and fortune. She inspires young girls to use their brains and hearts and not their bodies. She writes sweet, simple songs about love. I have her albums. I know all the words. The lyrics bring me right back to my young loves.

But something about her kinda bugs me. Maybe it’s her naiveté? Or the fact that she just doesn’t seem that genuine. I've tweeted before about how much Taylor's surprised face annoys me. Every time she wins an award, her mouth drops open, her hands clutch her chest, she stares blankly in disbelief and scans the crowd as if to say “Who? Me? You like me? I won? Little old me?” Then her hands slowly make their way up to cover her mouth and she continues her wide eyed gaze before being able to muster up the ability to form a word. And it’s all in super slow-motion.

She knows she’s going to win. She knows how many fans she has, how many records she sells and how much money she’s made. People love her, that’s not a surprise. I recently watched her concert on DVD and she stands there for minutes between each song with the same surprised “Who? Me?” face. People paid hundreds to see her in concert, who else does she think they’re cheering for?

I've had all pictures saved for a while. After watching the Beyoncé and Jay-Z sketch on SNL, I just had to post. Kristen Wiig’s ten second impression of Taylor was spot on.

Wow. She likes sparkles.

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