Sunday, February 26, 2012

Save the World/Thursday Theme Song: We shall not be moved.

Oliver's like a tree by the water, we shall not be moved.

When I was growing up in Borneo, the Government was very strict, any one deemed to be protesting would be thrown to jail aka eating curry rice. So when the first time I had a chance to protest, I went. I was in Windsor, Ontario in Canada in the mid 1970s.

It was a student led protest against the University of Windsor's decision to increase the fees of international students. My lecturer of International Economics led the protest and we went round the university, into the lecture halls, singing We shall not be moved. My friends told me that I was crazy to join the protest. There were spies everywhere and when I returned to Borneo, I will be hauled to Hotel "Hilton Sibu" and made to eat curry rice.

Oliver, the protestor.

It seems things have changed, people are not afraid to protest. Today, my artist friend Oliver Wong was in a 15,000 strong protest march in Kuantan, Malaysia for anti-Lynas rally.

Oliver, his wife, and his friends were rallying to oppose the construction of a rare earth refinery nearby, which they fear will pose radioactive risks.

The rally - dubbed Himpunan Hijau 2.0 (Green Gathering 2.0) - gathered people from all over the country at the Kuantan Municipal Council field.

Oliver, when I knew him as a university student in 1978 in Auckland New Zealand

We shall not, we shall not be moved
We shall not, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's standing by the water
We shall not be moved

We Shall Not Be Moved" is a traditional American folk song whose lyrics probably stretch back to the slave era, although there is no indication of when the song was written or who wrote it. It is a spiritual song that was adapted by the activists of the 1930s, with lyrics changed to "We Shall Not Be Moved," similarly to how "We Shall Overcome" took on the collective voice in protest rather than its original singular voice.

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