Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ABC Wed: Letter G,

The students from Diocesan school for girls to help us build our pizza oven.

This is not a photo shop, I haven't learnt how to do it.

A Sunday outing this afternoon at my favourite Western Springs park got me all excited. Do count, how many goslings there are. I counted 17 or 18. Ka Pai aka good job, Goosey Lucy and Daddy Gander.

In a previous post,http://ann-mythoughtsandphotos.blogspot.com/2009/09/goslings-in-western-springs.html I mentioned there were aunties, and indeed, there was an adult goose tagging along mummy and daddy. They swam a whole stretch of over one hundred meters each way like a fleet of naval boats.

I invite you all to come to New Zealand to witness this marvelous sight.

Sea Gulls are bossy birds. They squawk very loudly, and they monopolise big and best spaces. Once I was at Potters park. The weather was very hot. All the pigoens were outside in the field, the sea gulls were in the rotunda shielded from the hot sun.


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