Monday, February 28, 2011


David Hockney, one of RCA's most prominent graduates, wax figure at the Royal College of Art's Senior Common Room

Rut Blees Luxemburg discussing her students work

Rut at crit with her students

one of the MA in Photography students work, a taxonomy of exhibition displays, fashion, femininity.

I was invited by photographer Rut Blees Luxemburg to participate in one of the crits for her final year MA in Photography students at the Royal College of Art, who are preparing their final exhibition work. Afterwards we had lunch at the Royal College of Art where they have a David Hockney wax sculpture on loan from Madame Tussauds since 1996. The wax sculpture was sculpted by artist Karen Newman. David looks almost real, it's kind of uncanny. Somebody told me that when the wax figures at Madame Tussauds are replaced for new, more popular figures, the old figures are melted, and that this one was saved by giving it to the RCA.

You can see Rut's work here

ABC Wednesday: G for Bride Groom

This Indian groom came riding on a white horse accompanied by his dad and many grooms men all on horses.

Air Jordan III "True Blue"

Jordan Brand has made this the year of the IIIs with the release of the White Cement and BHM Js thus far. Summer is sure to not disappoint with the release of the AJ III "True Blues". Originally re-released in 2009 in Asia, and now dropping stateside on June 19th for both the fellas and little feet in GS sizing. The silhouette we’ve come to love and know in all white shoe is complete with iconic elephant print on the heel, toe box and lower eyelets, coupled with just enough blue accents to break up the monotony.

Pretty People

I ran across these images of my favorite pretty people and had to share.

These promo photos of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway from Love and Other Drugs are so cute!

Britney’s video for Hold It Against Me premiered over a week ago.
The video isn’t my favorite, but it’s fun to look at and Brit looks amazing!

Christina Hendricks always photographs well whether she’s going for a sexy, fun or vintage feel. Love her!

And here are my quick thoughts on the Oscars: I liked the stage, I love everything Alec ever does, Anne was really annoying and over the top, I can’t take James seriously with his grin and lisp, Gwyneth needs to stop singing, the “musicals” montage was hilarious (especially the last song), Christian’s speech was great, Natalie’s was too (finally) and she looked perfect, I’m so happy for Aaron Sorkin and for all the awards for The King’s Speech!

Westinghouse Electric, 1922

Westinghouse Electric, 1922, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Click image for 1500 x 2002 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".

Mon 28th Feb: Annie Collinge - Linda Leven

You may remember the beautiful and provocative photographs of Linda Leven that I featured on the blog from Annie's first exhibit of the work in the group show "You, Me and Everybody Else" at London's The Print Space. Annie has since returned to NYC and the home of this incredible subject who she has found such an engaging and productive partnership with. The two personalities that discovered each other by chance on the sidewalk of the city have continued to meet up for sittings and now have enough material for an entire solo show. Annie has sent me four of the most recent works added to the project which you can see on her website here. I'm looking forward to the series being converted into print and a beautiful book to record this unique and refreshing view of portraiture.

Mon 28th Feb: Elisha Smith-Leverock interview

A great little introduction to the world of Elisha Smith-Leverock who I love to collaborate with on my fashion films alongside stylist Kim Howells. If you would like to hear her talk in person, come to our film presentation and Q&A session at The W Project closing night on Mar 11th. The party will be hosted by The Sit Down Affair (Josephine Chime)for their delicious food and Caryn Franklin & Debra Bourne from All Walks Beyond The Catwalk, screen their latest film too. Its a chance to find out more about their initiative with Erin O Connor that's changing the face (and bodies!) of the fashion industry.

Its free entry but with limited seating, RSVP is essential:

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Madame Sloane, with fashion entrepreneur Mauro Durant, showman/writer Boris Izaguirre, architect Alvaro Moreira, and fashion designer Marjan Pejoski, inside the infamous White Cubicle Toilet Gallery at the George and Dragon Public House in London

Madame Patricia Sloane, with Boris Izaguirre, getting ready to get in a taxi after a night at the George and Dragon

London was recently honoured to have the visit of Madame Patricia Sloane, the grand dame of Mexican art, who visited the british capital after forty years of absence.

Mellow yellow Monday: Rare disease day
My friend Ellen and fellow bereaved mum sent me this email.
In loving memory of our two children (Avery and Addison Crompton) , who died from Campomelic Dysplasia.

My late baby son, Andrew died of the same CD 21 years ago.

Feb 28th is Rare Disease Day! To learn more, go to:

Rare Disease Day is an annual, awareness-raising event co-ordinated by EURORDIS at the international level and National Alliances of Patient Organisations at the national level

February 28th 2011 will mark the fourth International Rare Disease Day coordinated by EURORDIS and organised with rare disease national alliances in 25 countries. On that day hundreds of patient organisations from more than 40 countries worldwide will be organising awareness-raising activities and converging around the slogan “Rare but Equal”.

Hundreds of patient groups and their partners, coordinated by national alliances at the country level, are planning a multitude of events to draw attention to rare diseases and the millions of people who are affected by them. Awareness-raising activities are being planned across Europe, all the way to Russia, Georgia and Armenia, as well as in the US, Canada and as far as Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan!
The New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders (NZORD)

PO Box 38-538,

Wellington Mail Centre

Phone: +64 4 471 2226


Some color

Christina Hendricks Shows Off Hers Neck, Shoulders And Huge Breasts

Christina Hendricks at the pre BAFTA dinner for “The King’s Speech”.

Christina is wearing beautiful dress with flower motives. Dress is provocatively open, hair is gathered into a bun, they together makes visible hers attributes, big breasts, as well as wonderful shoulders and neck.

Sun 27th Feb: Behind The Scenes on set of INCANDESCENT META-MORPH-INCESSANT

Crown, Shin Piece and rings you see in these posts are all by Rosy Nicholas for Fred Butler.

Sun 27th Feb: Diane Pernet Interviews Elisha Smith-Leverock and I

Our key ambassador for consistent and constant backing on our fashion film projects is Diane Pernet (alongside SHOWstudio's support) so it was great news that she could come to see our latest work! Diane and Konstantinos visited The Screening Room at Somerset House to watch our new clip and asked us to explain the concept. Here you can listen to Elisha explain the whole thing ..... who we worked with and how the idea was born..........

Diane has the exclusive premier of the finished film on her site here.

Theo Matejko, Palais der Friedrichstadt, 1920

Theo Matejko (Austria 1893-1946)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

photohunt:almost black Miner's lamp

Last november, a mine explosion killed 29 miners in Pike River, in Greymouth New Zealand. It was almost as black as this photo.

A lamp like this would be handy in earthquake struck Christchurch where thhey didn't have power.