Thursday, September 9, 2010

mama said there'd be days like this...

i am a woman of plans.
this is irritating to me
and the people whose company
i enjoy

there are so many hours to the day
that i like to know (if only loosely)
what might occur

this is not to say i do not immensely enjoy
and especially serendipitous events
these are after all,
the reasons i have found my
diverse companionships.

it's just,
why can't things be solidified
with a promise
with a kiss
with a hug
with a "i will be there because i equally enjoy you enough to make time for you"?

this is frustrating to me.
i want to stop making plans,
but the thing is
i like making plans.
i like
looking forward to
a coffee
a cigarette
a movie
a dinner
a drink
a walk
a visit
a phone call
from a friend
on the other end of the line
that wants me
as much as i do them

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