Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Love Cereal

Cereal is my absolute favorite food. Cheese comes in a close second, but cereal is where it’s at. I’ve always loved it. Growing up, when nights were too busy, we had “anything night” for dinner. Basically we had to fend for ourselves and my go to meal was always cereal. In college I lived off the stuff. Now that I’m pregnant, a lot of my typical favorite foods and meals aren’t sounding so great and since I need lots of calcium, I’ve been eating cereal like it‘s going out of style. I mean, like three times a day. This is a picture of our cereal cabinet that I took this morning.

(By the way, I don’t normally display paper towels in my kitchen,
but we’re still in this tiny apartment and there is no other place to put them!)

See? I don’t exaggerate. We always have at least ten boxes. When my favorites go on sale I stock up and buy five of each. And I don’t only love sugary, fun, kid cereals. I like a lot of the healthy stuff. My favorite of all time is Crispix. I never get sick of it. Here are my five favorite healthy cereals.

And these are my five favorite sugar cereals.

Mmmm…I’m hungry. Gonna go grab a bowl!

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