Thursday, September 30, 2010

FSF exclusive interview with Va$htie

Vashtie's celebrating finally getting to talk about her historic Jordan collab, after keeping a big secret for a year! Hear what she has to say about how she designed the shoe balancing the feminine and masculine, how being a tomboy helps her at work and why she wants guys to feel our pain of not having shoes in our size! Go Va$htie! All the details and more pics HERE.

Thanks to Courtney at for helping with the interview and the pics!

brown fleece sweater

i didn't really have time to think about you
as of lately
but now that it's fall
and i've moved and unpacked new boxes
i am done, unraveled and wearing your sweater.

everybody got so many of your clothes.
i knew i didn't need them but i wanted them
i only ended up with this brown sweater.
it doesn't fit me properly.
not like you.
it gives the appearance of a larger tummy,
a stout torso
and short arms.
but it was yours so i still wear it.
it keeps my heart fond and
reminds me of you and your warm hands on cold days like today.


Hanna Barbera characters love to watch each other bathe.

A Comprehensive List of Airports in Guatemala

Here's a list of Airports in Guatemala (at least what's left of them after the rain):
A Comprehensive List of Airports in Guatemala:

Read Mark Francis' blog and sign up for email updates; while I don't agree with everything Mark thinks or experiences, you won't be bored. And you will get a taste of what Guatemala is really like. Buckle your seatbelts!

Great blog on "All About Guatemala" and updated all the time.

More at:

Mark Francis
GuateLiving-Real Life in Guatemala

Irene Lisboa, Ilda Moreira, 13 Contarelos, 1926 - 8

Click image for 840 x 1200 size. Illustration for the short story "A Flauta Mágica".

Nike X Foot Locker "I AM THE RULES" AM90

Get your Euros up! Slated for a limited European release, these babies are a definite MUST HAVE! With gray mesh, black suede, lime accents on the air bubble and top eyelets, an infrared swoosh, white leather upper paneling, and purple splashed around, these are hard not to want to hunt! The colorway is based on the support of three high-profile football players Andrei Arshavin, Marouane Chamakh and Stefano Okaka. Check out the video for the I AM THE RULES campaign!

Blue and pink in nature

Blue water

Blue ice

Pink trees

Pink flowers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Skywatch Friday: Remembering Samoa Tsunami"">

Today, our winter is back, a drizzling grey sky. I woke up to read this strange news. How uncanny is that. My grandfather used to tell us, there are spirits, the unhappy ones, to be more direct, they are Ghosts.

The photo shows the most of the trees are still barren. Last year, these Samoan boys were raising funds for the Tsunami. They are wearing their lava-lava.

APIA - An earthquake was felt today in Samoa almost at the same hour the
tsunami struck a year ago.

With a magnitude of 5.5 it was significantly less than the the 8.8
earthquake which caused the tsunami that Samoa is commemorating today.

The event today which lasted mere seconds occurred at 08.49am local time
(7.49am NZT) while survivors of the tsunami from last year were
preparing for commemorative services to remember those who perished.

According to the Europe Centre of Seismology the epicentre of the 40km
deep quake was 201km from South Siumu, which is one of the areas that
was severely hit by the tsunami last year.

Fortunately it did not last long although some locals were unsettled by
the event.

Thousands of Samoans are today remembering the 149 residents and
tourists killed in last year's tsunami, with services beginning early
this morning. Another 34 people were killed in American Samoa and nine
in Tonga.