Friday, March 26, 2010

Yeah I was born to be a rough riddin' woman
A shotgun pumpin', horseback straddlin', spur kickin', yee-haw kind of woman
A woman who can look to the north, south, east and west
And see nothing but endless sky that finds its way to meet end of the world
Where the prairie stretches out and the buffalo gloat
(cause they know they have owned this all along)
Where nature outweighs any 9-5 job
And a woman is only worth as much work she puts into the land
I could honky tonk and giddy up and be fearless
Own my passion and ride off into the sun
Wear my pride and courage on my sleeve
And even if my sun-beaten, leathered face wasn't quite as pretty
As those city-facialed, primped and polished plastic smiles
I would beam that grin that the earth had owned since I first laid eyes on the wild
Oh yes, sir'ee
I was born to be a cowgirl

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