Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Welcome and a Song

I gave in and got a second blog. I think of things I want to post all day, but over at We Love Pie, I focus on family so it seems inappropriate. Also, I tend to overuse Facebook status updates and can't help but think that people are getting annoyed by me. I'm getting annoyed by me. So this blog will be about me, what I love, what's bugging me, what I'm thinking, what I want, etc.

I'm kicking off this blog with a little help from Lacey.

She's got this little thing going that consists 30 posts ideas over 30 days. What an easy way to break into personal blogging, right? So here we go.

Day 1: Favorite song

How can I pick just one song? Well, my favorite band of all time is No Doubt and I pretty much love every single song. Gwen Stefani is such a great lyricist and I find that her words affect me as much now as they did when I was in high school (12 years ago). But if I had to just pick one song, I think it'd be "Excuse Me Mr." Not because I exactly relate to the lyrics, but because I love the music, the tempo, the video, Gwen's voice. I think it is so fun to sing and it brings me back to my junior year in high school when I first discovered No Doubt, driving around in my boyfriend's car singing at the top of my lungs and annoying him.


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