Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Missin' You

an old friend visited me in my dreams last night

to tell me what to do

he told me to let the birds fly high

and the fish to swim deep too

he told me to be fearless

and he told me to be brave

not to live my life so stagnant

and embrace life everyday

he showed me what friend should be

and how to listen close

to the miracles of life

that only companionship evokes

he understood the sadness

that hid behind my eyes

but he dried off all my tears

and smiled big and wide

he beamed 'please don't miss my body

remember my soul instead

keep with you fond memories

but don't forget to look ahead'

and when he left my bedside

he whispered in my ear

i'll always be where you are

and i'm happy being here

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