Monday, February 13, 2012

Phone Photo Fun - Disneyland Edition

I’m linking up with Savanah and Ashlee for Phone Photo Fun Monday!

If you’re following me on Instagram (@christinareads), you probably saw me blow up your feed with pictures from Disneyland and California Adventure last week. Here are the pictures I posted:

I love this bag, but at the airport I realized it's not at all appropriate for Disneyland. Good thing Jacob had a backpack.

Disneyland entrance and the door to Club 33.

My favorite treats: chocolate covered banana and Dole floats.

Toy Story Mania = the best ride ever! 

More rides. 

I took a ton of iPhone pictures! I did bring an actual camera, but it was in Jacob's backpack most of the time and since my phone was in my pocket it was just easier to use. Here's what we did on our quick two day trip to the happiest place on Earth!

We had such a fun little trip! It was our first vacation together in almost two years and yeah, I know you all think we’re crazy for leaving behind our children when going to a “family” destination, but they are only 1 and 3 and would not appreciate the awesomeness just yet. (Besides the movie Cars and the TV show Little Einsteins, Nolan doesn’t even know or watch anything Disney related). Jacob and I have been going to Disneyland or Disney World every year since 2004. It’s our thing. We don’t mess around at a theme park (see here and here) and our kids would just get in the way with their wants and needs (food, water, naps, potty breaks, diaper changes, etc). Plus, we’d have to suffer through their meltdowns,  sugar highs, and impatience in lines.

Ok, don’t worry, we’re not that horrible. We intend on letting them in on this tradition as soon as they are old enough to hold their own. We figured out that Nolan (who is almost 3 1/2) is already tall enough for all but two rides, California Screamin’ and Indiana Jones. When we do finally take them it'll be a whole new experience for us and I know we'll have a blast seeing it all through their eyes.

We had a blast on our own though. It was sunny and 80 degrees and the parks were empty so we were able to ride everything a few times without needing Fast Passes. My only complaint is that I hurt my foot. I woke up the second day with a blister on the bottom of my left foot. How does that even happen? Jacob thinks I didn't tie my shoe tight enough so my foot was slipping every time I took a step. This caused me to walk kind of weird the entire second day to relieve some of the pressure on my blister. I woke up the third day with a bruised and swollen foot! And of course the flight home made the swelling worse. By the time I got home, I was so swollen I couldn't even bend my toes! So I spent Saturday evening and all day Sunday with my feet up.

By the way, last week I said I'd never seen a celebrity at Disneyland, but this time I saw Kourtney Kardashian! We exited Toy Story Mania at the same time. I turned around to find Jacob and there she was, RIGHT behind me. She was holding her son Mason, walking with two friends who were holding their kids, while being escorted to their strollers by a Disney employee. She looked so cute with her typical top knot bun and an oversized red and black striped sweater. And she is TINY! She is obviously the super small sister, but man she was so short and petite, even while pregnant! Now I know for sure that Khloe the giant is really not that big at all! (Poor Khlo, she's my favorite).

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