Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Milo's Winter Wonderland

Of course it would be 60 degrees and sunny when I plan on throwing a winter themed birthday party for my one year old! We just ignored the spring-like weather and decorated the house in snowflakes, played with penguin balls, sipped on hot chocolate and ate Snowballs.

This was the dessert table with donuts, smores pops, white chocolate covered pretzels,
vanilla tootsie rolls, peppermint bark, snowman suckers, white fudge covered Oreos, peppermints, etc.

Here's a close up of the photo banner.

Our food table had all the ingredients to make our own sub sandwiches.
Plus we had lots of berries, chips and dips and Milo's favorite food: cheese!

This was our hot cocoa bar.

Snowflakes hung in the living room, penguin beach balls bounced around on the floor and
Hostess Snowballs were packaged and ready for everyone to take home.

We played inside for a little bit, but we had to get out in the sunshine while it was here!

It was hard to get Milo to open his presents. He tore a tiny peice of wrapping paper off a present, leaned back in his rocker
and held onto it for dear life. Good thing big brother was there to help him out.

His snowman cakes turned out so cute!

He wasn't really into eating it though. He really, really hated the messiness all over his fingers.

Nolan clearly didn't have that problem.

We tried feeding him with a spoon. Once he realized it tasted really good, he tried it on his own,
but it was just a few bites, then he was DONE.

And I guess he wanted to share.

We all had a really great time. Nolan was such a good big brother and we didn't experience any jealousy at all. Milo was a trooper. He was getting tired, but didn't let it stop him from hamming it up with all of our family. (Our neices and nephews were here running around and being crazy, but I don't feel comfortable posting their pictures). It was a pretty fun little celebration.

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