Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog Award!

I got the Kreativ Blogger Award from my buddy Casey over at Poodleism. Thanks, girl!

So here’s how it works:
1} Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2} Complete the form.
3} Share 7 random thoughts about yourself.
4} Award 5 blogs and let them know in a comment or email.

The form:

1} Name your Favorite Song: There’s no way I can name just one. Can anybody? If so, I’m impressed. Right now I can’t stop listening to World News by Local Natives. The song is a year old, but my sister just showed it to me and I’m in love.

2} Name your favorite dessert. Cheesecake. Pretty much any kind, but white chocolate raspberry is my favorite.

3} What ticks you off? When people are constantly late. Whether it's for work, an appointment, a movie, dinner, whatever. It's so selfish to make other people wait on you. I especially hate it when the constantly late people act like it's no big deal, like it's just their "thing". I should really start telling some friends that we're meeting 30 minutes earlier than I intend to. They'll probably still be ten minutes late.

4} When I'm upset: I vent to my husband about everyone and everything. If I'm upset with him, I need alone time. I veg out, read, watch tv, do something to take my mind off it and then I'm ready to talk it out.

5} What's your favorite pet? I acually don't have any pets right now. I guess I'd have to say my childhood dog, a chow named Lady.

6} Black or White? Black to wear, white in my home.

7} Biggest fear? Something happening to my kids or husband. This is something I fear every single day. I'm trying not to let it prevent us from living our lives!

Seven random thoughts/things about me:

1} I love candy conversation hearts, but only the original Necco flavors. Since they don't sell them in the store, I paid $10 for this box on Amazon. Absolutely outrageous, but I'm not mad about it. The white ones are worth it.

2} I don't like seafood, coffee or dark chocolate.

3} I'm currently reading Judy Blume books because I never did as a kid. Man, I missed out!

4} I love going to sporting events but I won't watch them on tv. I do watch the Olympics though. I also might watch baseball playoffs or the World Series, depending on the teams. I didn't even watch the Super Bowl. I caught the halftime show online though.

5} The three women I'd most like to meet are Tina Fey, Hillary Clinton and Rosie O'Donnell.

6} I won't go barefoot in a hotel room.

7} I would love to pick up and move to London. I love everything about that city and I want my kids to have little British accents.

The blogs I would like to pass the Kreativ Blogger award to are:

1} Precisely Holly
2} Peace, Love & Applesauce
3} Honey & Nutmeg
4} Krystal's Kitsch
5} Running Backwards In Stilettos

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