Sunday, September 4, 2011

Monday Yellow, Ruby red,Rednesday: Dr Fen Moy

This is Dr Fen Moy. Her husband is Dr Jonathan Moy. Here they were with their 5 year old twins Hannah and Daniel outside my church. They are relatively new to my church, Mt Albert Baptist Church, In Auckland. Like me, Fen came from Malaysia to study in New Zealand and chose to remain in this lovely country to live.

Two Wednesdays ago, I saw a notice similar to this one below at the church office when I went to do photocopying for my ESOL Class. I used the notice as an opportunity to teach my adult ESOL students, terms like donation, volunteering. My lesson paid off, a student came the next week with two pairs of sunglasses. I am sure Fen was asking for reading glasses, so I asked her, she said she could use them.Some one in India will look fashionable and be in Bollywood.

I admire Fen. She is leaving her two children. Ka Pai to her , and to Jonathan who is home to hold the fort.

Request for Old Glasses

Please donate your old spectacles/glasses! Dr Fen Moy is joining a 2 week short-term medical mission going to India to provide primary health care to the poor, in March 2012. They will be visiting a rural area near Hyderabad (in the state of Andhra Pradesh). The team is associated with the Christian Medical Fellowship and the trip has been organised in conjunction with a local church in Hyderabad (Sion Fellowship Ministries) as part of their outreach to the community.

A similar mission last year found that the most common problems were related to eyesight – over 500 cases. Many of these problems were easily correctible by glasses. Hence, we are looking for donations of old glasses – 100s of pairs.

Please drop off unneeded glasses at Mt Albert Baptist Church, either in the foyer on Sundays, or at the church office. Thank you for your support!

● Fen is an emergency medicine specialist at Auckland City Hospital and attends MABC with her husband and 5 yr-old twins.

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