Friday, September 30, 2011

5 Years?!

Jacob and I are celebrating our five year wedding anniversary tomorrow. It's amazing how fast the time flies. We've actually been together for almost eleven years. That is absolutely insane to me! We were just kids!

11th grade, 1996

I gotta give a shout out to my high school sweetheart. We were together for two years in high school and broke up a few weeks before graduation. We got back together a few times over the summer, but I finally ended that long, awkward and painful on-again, off-again phase when I got myself a new boyfriend. High School Boyfriend hated him. It was actually one of his old friends. New Boyfriend was a bad boy, but he treated me well and I always had fun with him. High School Boyfriend and Jacob (my husband) were friends and went snowboarding together one day. (Are you getting all this? I hate using real names.) High School Boyfriend told Jacob he hated New Boyfriend and asked him to ask me out on a date to get me away from New Boyfriend. Jacob did. We dated a few times, but my heart wasn't in it. I still wanted to be with New Boyfriend. But Jacob and I stayed good friends and kinda dated off and on. New Boyfriend and I broke up after a year and a half together and I went off to college. That's where Jacob entered the picture for real. Check out that story here. So if it wasn't for High School Boyfriend's jealousy or protectiveness, or whatever, Jacob and I would have ever dated.  Although it didn't seem like it at the time, good things happen after your broken heart is mended.

Ocean Shores, 2002

I love Jacob with all my heart and soul. He has given me a wonderful life filled with happiness and two amazing little guys that I never imagined I could love so much. I am blessed. Here's to the past five years and many, many more!

October 1, 2006. We look thrilled, don't we?

Hanging at home, 2006

Venice, 2007

San Diego, 2007

Apple Cup, 2007

San Francisco, 2008

Portland, 2008 Yes, I was that blonde. Never again.

Alaska, 2009

Cuddled up at home, 2009

Pumpkin patch, 2009

Silvertips game, 2009

Christmas, 2009

My birthday, 2010

Mother's Day, 2010

Hollywood Bowl, 2010

First snow of the year, 2010

The Melting Pot, 2011. My favorite restaurant ever!

Easter, 2011

Father's Day, 2011

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