Sunday, September 5, 2010

You know what? Shopping makes me happy.

Bought new shoes today. Like finally. Black and white from everlast after going from Suntec to Marina Square to Queensway. And three fbts LOL. Shall wear diff colours to tuition every sat.(Black, orange, grey, purple, blue) =) But i havent really bought all the things i want...shall go out again next week! Ate Kenny Roger for lunch and IMMA TELLIN U, if you've got a small appetite dont ever farking buy a single serving for yourself. Hmmm dun feel like studying today...shall start mugging from monday onwards but wth theres lessons tmr till afternoon... ITS A HOLIDAY YA KNO? This is so relevant to my PW problem man. Why do teachers ask why students are so stressed out when they obviously know the answer. Wtf wtf wtf wtf.... x100. And went with dabor to Gundam fiesta at compass point ytd and he was kinda dissapointed when he couldnt get ALL the gundams he wanted and going back nxt week. YOU AH- Shall not nag at you on my blog but in person tmr. And added new picture at the side here ---->

And LOL my mum surprised me today. XD K l..a k la.., know you veh smart la, despite your age your eyes still sho sharp at pointing out boyfriends arh.

Right. So i'll go tumblr neow sho buh bye. =)

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