Friday, September 10, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Rain"">

It is 10.30am,
It is supposed to be Spring,
But it is cold,
It is drizzling.
We just had an earthquake in our country.
There is nothing to laugh about.

Every Saturday,
When I walk past this Indian temple,
There are bursts of laughter.
I remember the laughing clubs in Singapore.
They meet at the beach
They laugh loudly.
I am skeptical.
How can people laugh for no reason?
I don't even laugh at Mr. Bean's jokes.

But apparently,
People who go to these laughing clubs,
Seriously believe in the benefits.
As a kid,
I read in the Readers' Digest,
Laughter is the best medicine.
May be I should pluck up my courage,
And join them, and chuckle away.

Do look at this video, it is choreographed very nicely, especially at the end. You don't have to laugh. I didn't.

The story of Laughter Yoga starts in 1995, when Doctor Madan Kataria, a GP with a practice in Mumbai, India, was reviewing the considerable body of medical research which established the broad-ranging benefits of laughter. These benefits were not simply a sense of 'feeling good', there were measurable improvements to physical, mental and emotional states for people who laughed often.

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