Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Husband, The Fighter

Jacob has been kickboxing for 14 years. He was on the swim, track and wrestling teams in high school and really wanted to find something to do after graduation, so he looked to martial arts. He started competing at casinos, colleges and other Seattle area venues in 1999. At one point he held the junior welterweight Muay Thai title and the lightweight Muay Thai title. He stopped fighting in 2004 when his trainer retired. He fought and won several “smokers” in San Diego after 2004, but those fights didn’t count on his official record, which is 7-2. The two losses were based on decisions, not knock outs.

I’ve never been to a fight. I support him, but I just can’t watch him get punched in the face. He used to show me tapes after his fight was over, while he was sitting next to me, after his bruises healed, and I still couldn’t watch. If you want to see him in action, check him out here. Yes, that skinny kid is my husband, just my boyfriend at the time. If you don’t want to watch, I totally understand.

After kickboxing he joined another martial arts gym and earned his black belt in Jeet Kun Do. For the past three years, he’s been teaching at a gym that he owns with three other guys. He trains his students and corners for his fighters, but hasn’t been in the ring for six years.

That is all about to change. Every time he comes home from a fight (about once a month) he tells me that the competition is weak and he’d love to get back into it. I’m not thrilled about it, but I have never said no. He assumed he was retired because he’s a grown man. Fighters are usually young, resilient kids. He’s a responsible supervisor at work with two small children and a wife to support. He’s not in the best shape anymore (a pole vaulting injury in high school ruined his knee for life and it’s getting worse with age). And up until this point he was happy just teaching and training his fighters.

But he’s decided to go for it. I told him I wasn’t happy about the time he’d be spending away from us, training. He works 10 hour days and one weekend a month. He agreed with me and said he didn’t want to be away from the kids any more than he already is. So he’s worked out time for training after the kids are in bed. I don’t mind that at all. I just curl up in front of the TV until he gets home. Of course I’m worried about injuries. I told him I didn’t want to take care of three babies if he got hurt. He has never been seriously injured before. Unless you count the bumps and bruises and broken nose, toe and hand. Ugh. What am I letting him do?

His co-owners know how much I hate this, but they have been very eager to get Jacob back into the ring. So to sweeten the deal, the gym is going to give us their share of the proceeds from ticket sales. And you know what I'm getting with the money?

(If only my laundry room was that nice and big!)

That’s right, a brand new washer and dryer! To be specific, I get an Electrolux front loader washer and dryer with pedestals and I’m absolutely thrilled! 15 minutes to wash and 14 minutes to dry? I will be in laundry heaven! Besides, look at what I’m dealing with now:

Someone’s hand me downs. Jacob has wanted to upgrade for a few years, but I didn’t see the need. They are really ugly, but we've had them for nearly nine years and they've always worked perfectly. He’s taking these ones to the gym so they can stop using the laundromat across the street. See? It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Well, as long as Jacob wins.

He better win.

His fight is on November 19 at 7 Cedars Casino near Sequim, WA. (If you are in the area, and want tickets, let me know!) Instead of kickboxing or Muay Thai, he’ll be competing in MMA (mixed martial arts) for the first time. Although his submission wrestling game isn’t the best he said he’s not worried because he doesn’t plan on letting the other guy get him on the ground. He has some confidence, doesn’t he? I’ll let you know how he does.

And I promise, girly posts will resume tomorrow.

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