Friday, September 30, 2011

weekend reflection: Pt Chevalier Beach
We moved to this suburb, and the beach is 5 minutes away. The water is still very cold. It was low tide when we went, and you could walk 50 meters out to sea. I snapped the reflection of the lone person braving the cold.

5 Years?!

Jacob and I are celebrating our five year wedding anniversary tomorrow. It's amazing how fast the time flies. We've actually been together for almost eleven years. That is absolutely insane to me! We were just kids!

11th grade, 1996

I gotta give a shout out to my high school sweetheart. We were together for two years in high school and broke up a few weeks before graduation. We got back together a few times over the summer, but I finally ended that long, awkward and painful on-again, off-again phase when I got myself a new boyfriend. High School Boyfriend hated him. It was actually one of his old friends. New Boyfriend was a bad boy, but he treated me well and I always had fun with him. High School Boyfriend and Jacob (my husband) were friends and went snowboarding together one day. (Are you getting all this? I hate using real names.) High School Boyfriend told Jacob he hated New Boyfriend and asked him to ask me out on a date to get me away from New Boyfriend. Jacob did. We dated a few times, but my heart wasn't in it. I still wanted to be with New Boyfriend. But Jacob and I stayed good friends and kinda dated off and on. New Boyfriend and I broke up after a year and a half together and I went off to college. That's where Jacob entered the picture for real. Check out that story here. So if it wasn't for High School Boyfriend's jealousy or protectiveness, or whatever, Jacob and I would have ever dated.  Although it didn't seem like it at the time, good things happen after your broken heart is mended.

Ocean Shores, 2002

I love Jacob with all my heart and soul. He has given me a wonderful life filled with happiness and two amazing little guys that I never imagined I could love so much. I am blessed. Here's to the past five years and many, many more!

October 1, 2006. We look thrilled, don't we?

Hanging at home, 2006

Venice, 2007

San Diego, 2007

Apple Cup, 2007

San Francisco, 2008

Portland, 2008 Yes, I was that blonde. Never again.

Alaska, 2009

Cuddled up at home, 2009

Pumpkin patch, 2009

Silvertips game, 2009

Christmas, 2009

My birthday, 2010

Mother's Day, 2010

Hollywood Bowl, 2010

First snow of the year, 2010

The Melting Pot, 2011. My favorite restaurant ever!

Easter, 2011

Father's Day, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Faster Than Light Particles Could Wreck Einstein’s Relativity Theory

Jesus Diaz September 22, 2011

This is extremely shocking: CERN scientists using a 1300-ton particle detector have measured particles travelling faster than the speed of light. If confirmed, this discovery could invalidate Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity and revolutionize physics.

Einstein's theory says that there's nothing in the universe that could travel faster than light. Now, CERN scientists believe this may be wrong according to their latest experiment.

The 3-year experiment timed about 16,000 neutrino packets launched from CERN facilities in Geneva, travelling through Earth and arriving 2.43 milliseconds later to the subterranean facilities of Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory. There, the Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (the OPERA particle detector) recorded the hits.

When scientists discovered that the particles were arriving 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light—with only a 10 nanosecond error margin—they freaked out. I don't blame them. Imagine someone comes to you to tell you that a new observation shows that planet Earth is actually flat.

But University of Bern's Antonio Ereditato—spokesperson for the 160-member OPERA team—says that the experiment is "a straightforward time-of-flight measurement." It was repeatable, so they couldn't ignore it because that would be dishonest: "[T]he consequences can be very serious [...] We are forced to say something [...] We have high confidence in our results. But we need other colleagues to do their tests and confirm them."

The news are so extraordinary that other physicists are already saying this is impossible. Chang Kee Jung—a neutrino physicist at Stony Brook University in New York—believes it's a systematic error. Jung is the spokesperson for a similar project in Japan. Indiana University's physicist Alan Kostelecky believes that, while it may be possible that neutrinos can travel faster than light, the experiment needs to be repeated "by at least one and preferably several experiments." There are other facilities that could be used to run the same test, one of them is Fermilab in Chicago. The other one is the T2K experiment in Japan, the one in which Jung participates.

Still, Kostelecky confesses that he "would be delighted if it were true." I would be delighted too. I love when the world goes crazy.

Jumping Off a Building With Bubble Wrap

Rhett Allain of was asked this question: "How much bubble wrap would you need to wrap yourself in if you wanted to jump out of a first story window and survive?"

Spoiler Alert: Here's his answer:

I am going to go with 39 layers of bubble wrap. Should you actually do this? No. Don’t do this. Well, I guess you could do this with a dummy or something.

One more quick question. I wonder how much bubble wrap you would need to survive jumping out of a plane. You might not need too much more since all that bubble wrap would also slow your terminal speed down.

To see the science and math behind this answer:

Mind-Reading Machine


It sounds like science fiction: While volunteers watched movie clips, a scanner watched their brains. And from their brain activity, a computer made rough reconstructions of what they viewed.

Scientists reported that result Thursday and speculated such an approach might be able to reveal dreams and hallucinations someday.

In the future, it might help stroke victims or others who have no other way to communicate, said Jack Gallant, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley, and co-author of the paper...

Mind-Reading Experiment Reconstructs Movies in Our Mind
September 22, 2011

Awesome Quotes: Dimitar Sasselov

“It’s feasible that we’ll meet other sentient life forms and conduct commerce with them. We don’t now have the technology to physically travel outside our solar system for such an exchange to take place, but we are like Columbus centuries ago, learning fast how to get somewhere few think possible.”
Dimitar Sasselov, professor of astrophysics and director of Harvard University’s Origins of Life Initiative Project:

Bigfoot Toy Collectibles

Lyle Blackburn of the excellent Website has created a a virtual museum of Bigfoot related toys. Some of the pictures are here: others include GI Joe and Lego sets. To see the entire collection:

The Great Water Panther Coin


Mishepishu (pronounced Mee-shee-PEE-shoe, and also spelt Mishipeshu), whose name comes from the Algonquin Ojibwe word meaning “Great Water Lynx” or “Underwater Panther,” is described as a huge felid with horns on his head, a scaly, dragon-like body with spikes on its back and the tail of a fish...

Here is the Canadian Mint’s description of the new coin:

Children will be captivated by this Great Lakes mystery. Comes with a pull-out map identifying the locations of Mishepishu sightings.

Rediscover the magic of story telling.

For centuries, Ojibwe legends have described a mysterious creature lurking in the depths of Lake Superior. They call it Mishepishu, which means “Great Lynx”, to describe its wildcat shape. This clever shape-shifter is also believed to swim the waters of Lake Ontario and other Great Lakes in order to protect the precious copper found in the rocks throughout the region. Chances are, you’ll never be quick enough to spot it among the waves...

Mishepishu (Great Water Panther) Coin
Loren Coleman
September 22nd, 2011

New Raptor Dinosaur Used Giant Claw to Pin, Slash Prey?

"Incredibly rare" fossils give insight into raptor behavior, study says
Christine Dell'Amore
September 21, 2011

Talk about a lucky break — paleontologists have found "incredibly rare" fossils of a new species of raptor dinosaur that severely fractured its giant-clawed foot about 76 million years ago, paleontologists say.

The six-foot-long (two-meter-long) Talos sampsonsi lived in the rainy, "hothouse world" of late-Cretaceous North America, which was then two continents—Laramidia in the west and Appalachia in the east—divided by a shallow seaway.

It's one of the few troodontid theropods—small, birdlike predators—ever discovered in North America, said study leader Lindsay Zanno, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.

Doctoral student Mike Knell, who found Talos while searching for fossil turtles in Utah in 2008, "stumbled across one of the nicest raptors that we've found in North America," she said.

"It was a thrilling discovery for those of us who got to work on it."

The dinosaur is named for the mythological Greek figure Talos—a winged figure that supposedly could run at lightning speed—as well as Utah paleontologist Scott Sampson.

Raptor Dinosaur Used Talon to Puncture Prey?

Perhaps most exciting about Talos is its injured second toe, which has added to an existing debate on what troodontids did with the giant, sickle-like claw on that toe, study leader Zanno said.

Paleontologists have offered opposing explanations for the claw, for example that it helped troodontids climb, acted as a weapon in killing prey or fighting foes, or even enabled the dinosaur to clean itself.

When the scientists analyzed Talos's injured toe bone via a CT scanner, they found a mark that indicated that the injury—possibly caused by a bite from another animal—had been traumatic.

Assuming the dinosaur used the talon when walking, such a serious injury would've caused Talos to limp on that leg, which in turn would've caused obvious changes to the skeleton's structure, Zanno noted.

Instead, "we found the complete opposite," she said—the skeleton was otherwise unscathed.

This strengthens the theory that the raptor dinosaur carried its giant toe off the ground—an idea already supported by raptor tracks that lack claw marks, according to the study, published September 19 in the journal PLoS ONE.

Instead, Talos may have wielded its claw like a puncturing device when hunting, for example by getting a foothold as the raptor scrambled up a larger animal's back, Zanno said. Or, like some modern-day birds, the dinosaur may have used the claw as a weapon while fighting with other dinosaur rivals.

It's "giving us a window into the biology of the animal that we don't get from your average, everyday specimen," Zanno said.

New Dinosaur an Omnivore?

The fact that the toe was traumatically injured at all suggests the dinosaur used it as a weapon, said Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Talos was "probably not going to get a wound like that from preening its feathers," said Holtz, who wasn't part of the study.

Based on the new findings and previous dinosaur tracks, Holtz suspects the dinosaur used its claw to pin down small animals and slash bigger prey.

What's more, the specimen's post-wound survival hints that the raptor was omnivorous, Holtz speculated. With its claw unusable for hunting, the dinosaur presumably had to eat plants or other foods to stay alive while it healed.

Holtz and colleagues have previously found that troodontids had teeth more like those of plant-eating reptiles than carnivorous ones, he added.

Study leader Zanno added, "In the end we can never observe the behavior of this animal—it's always going to be controversial."

But "the more individual lines of evidence that we can add that can support the [weapon] hypothesis, the stronger it becomes."

Acne Home Remedies

From NaturalNews:
1. Licorice: Researchers at the Skin Research Institute in Korea conducted research published in July 2008 that explored the role of Chinese herbs as agents against acne. They discovered that Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) had anti-bacterial properties against P. acnes. Apply licorice root extract directly to blemishes and use licorice root tea as a facial wash.

2. Echinacea: Another in vitro study conducted at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada used a standardized preparation of Echinacea against P. acnes. This research was published in September 2009 and showed that Echinacea both killed the bacteria and helped reverse inflammation brought on by the bacteria. Consume Echinacea internally in the form of either organic tea or capsules and apply Echinacea extract directly to pimples as an "on the spot" treatment.

3. Resveratrol: Researchers at the University of Naples in Naples, Italy published research in April 2011 that showed that the administration of a resveratrol containing gel improved acne symptoms in patients previously afflicted. Resveratrol is a substance naturally produced by grapes and other plants. The researchers in this experiment applied resveratrol gel once a day to acne-prone skin.

4. Basil Oil: Researchers at Naresuan University in Thailand conducted an in vitro study on the effect various basil oil preparations have on P. acnes. They discovered that sweet basil oil and holy basil oil were shown to have significant anti-bacterial effects against P. acnes. In this study, the sweet basil oil had higher activity against P. acnes than the holy basil oil did, although they both were active against it. Dilute basil oil in a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and apply to the skin to control acne.

5. Hops: Another study conducted in Washington D.C. and published in July 2007 showed that hops extract had significant activity against the most common acne-causing bacteria. Hops extract can be used externally as an astringent to cleanse the skin and to prevent acne outbreaks.

Cure acne at home with five lesser known home remedies
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Amelia Bentrup

Humor Break: 2012

Asteroid Framed for Murdering Dinosaurs


The source of the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago remains a mystery, a new study finds.

Some researchers had thought the deadly asteroid was a piece of a larger space rock called Baptistina. Baptistina broke apart after a massive in-space collision about 160 million years ago, the theory went, spawning a swarm of mountain-size chunks of rock. One of those eventually slammed into Earth, killing off the dinosaurs and many other species.

Scientists are confident that a 6-mile-wide (10-kilometer asteroid) is indeed what wiped out the dinosaurs. But new observations from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope suggest the space rock didn't come from Baptistina.

The timing just isn't right, according to the new study....

Origin of Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Is Still a Mystery
20 September 2011

Science Documentary of the Week

The Day I Died
BBC Documentary on Near-Death Experiences

The Underground Base Earthquake Conspiracy


While just the idea that earthquakes could be attacks on underground bases by nukes and/or HAARP type earthquake-prompting technologies, questions surrounding the Virginia earthquake event keep surfacing, including a massive sinkhole that appeared in the vicinity following the quake.

Even more intriguing is the fact that the only two admitted military underground base facilities in the US, besides some "storage" locations, are the NORAD facility in Colorado, and the Mount Weather underground base housing a back-up government in Virginia, nearby the US capital.

Yes, a back-up government, or so they said many years ago when it was first disclosed. Since then is hush hush, as usual.

What Is Mt. Weather?

Just 46 miles from Washington DC, a mysterious and secretive underground military base exists, located deep inside a mountain near the rural town of Bluemont, Virginia. Here lies Mount Weather, also known as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations.

In March, 1976, The Progressive Magazine published an astonishing article entitled "The Mysterious Mountain." The author, Richard Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon "several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount Weather." His report, and a 1991 article in Time Magazine entitled "Doomsday Hideaway", supply a few compelling hints about what is going on underground.

Mount Weather is virtually an underground city, according to former personnel interviewed by Pollock. Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather was equipped with such amenities as:

•private apartments and dormitories
•streets and sidewalks
•cafeterias and hospitals
•a water purification system, power plant and general office buildings
•a small lake fed by fresh water from underground springs
•its own mass transit system
•a TV communication system

Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA. The facility is the operational center of approximately 100 other Federal Relocation Centers, most of which are concentrated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. Together this network of underground facilities constitutes the backbone of America's "Continuity of Government" program. In the event of nuclear war, declaration of martial law, or other national emergency, the President, his cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch would be "relocated" to Mount Weather.

FEMA's our back-up government?

First of all, I can only assume that's a partially true cover story for a multitude of covert operations. But if even that part's true that's even scarier. How was that response to Andrew or Katrina, boys? Or the gulf oil disaster? Anybody in anybody's back pocket?

At least that explains the ineptness. Disaster exploitation is more like it. They're amassing resources for a manipulated national disaster on a scale we can't even imagine. And with dire consequences for the American people.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency

Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress.

FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed. Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.


OK, so what's the connection

This supposedly manipulated earthquake happened in a very peculiar location, quite close to Washington DC. According to the nuke theory people, this was a take down by forces opposing what the US/London based cabal is up to; the military and financial subjugation of the world in order to impose their new, improved wicked system, affectionately called the "New World Order".

Well, it seems equally powerful forces might be wanting to send a signal back to these unchecked overlords of darkness to let them know "we're not gonna take it".

Man, wouldn't that would be good news.

But we don't know yet. And it's doubtful we'll get any kind of disclosure of anything of that nature. Shoot, they haven't fessed up to Pearl Harbor or Vietnam, never mind Oklahoma City, 9/11, chemtrails etc...or even who the hell Obama is! Underground bases and tunnel system to house the elites and "essential personnel" during a serious catastrophe?

Are you kidding me?

Connecting More Dots

What made me think about Mt. Weather is the fact that it and NORAD are the only two acknowledged government involved underground bases in the US and they're both near where these almost simultaneous, atypically large quakes struck...

The Colorado Underground Base and Quake

An unusually large 5.3 quake hit central Colorado within hours of the big DC/Virginia quake in question. Again, this time it's a huge "defense" installation under Cheyenne Mountain operated by NORAD.

Cheyenne Mountain is a mountain located just outside the southwest side of Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S., and is home to the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station and its Cheyenne Mountain Directorate, formerly known as the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC).

Throughout the Cold War and continuing to this day, the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center and the Cheyenne Mountain Directorate collect data from a worldwide system of satellites, radar, and other sensors and process that information in real time. Operations are conducted year-round in the Air Warning Center, Missile Correlation Center, Operational Intelligence Watch, Systems Center, Weather Center, and the Command Center.


Epilogue - A LOT of forces at play makes for many possibilities

Well, as always I'm just wondering.

The fact that these are two significant bases are two they do admit exist, besides a few "storage facilities", and that large earthquakes struck both within hours with strange circumstances including very unusual signatures, and then we hear claims that these were nuke attacks on underground bases....well, let's just say the jury is still out, but the important thing is it's very interesting and perhaps extremely significant.

I like to bring awareness of peripheral information when a plausible theory is put out there, especially when the knee jerk reaction is to dismiss it as "impossible". And just as it's healthy to challenge what you're told NOT to believe, it's also a very sane reaction to challenge what you are told TO believe.

There are a lot more forces at play than most people can begin to believe or realize, including not just the black-ops types of 'spy vs spy' operations continually struggling amongst themselves, but there are extraterrestrial influences way beyond even some people's imagination well at work on our planet.

Even if nukes weren't involved, when quakes happen I look for how they COULD be induced, by cosmic forces and alignments such as we're apparently experiencing with Elenin and other cosmic influences. But also the likelihood that they're being manipulated or exacerbated by the PTB-directed scientific madmen, knowing full well this HAARP-type technology exists in the hands of MANY countries and forces...

To read the whole article:

Were NORAD And Shadow Gov't Bases The Nuke/Quake Targets?
Zen Gardner
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

After Troy Davis's Death, Questions I Can't Unask

by Dave Zirin

Folks - In honor of Troy Davis, I gave more than I can afford to the Campaign to the End the Death Penalty. at the following link. Please do the same:

In struggle,
Dave Zirin

1. Can Troy Davis, who fought to his last breath, actually be dead this morning?

2 - If we felt tortured with fear and hope for the four hours that the Supreme Court deliberated on Troy's case, how did the Davis family feel?

3. Why did the state of Georgia need to leave him strapped to the death-gurney while waiting for the Supreme Court to rule?

4. Why does this hurt so much?

5. Does Judge Clarence Thomas, an impovershed African American son of Georgia, ever acknowledge in quiet moments that he could easily have been Troy Davis?

6. What do people who insist we have to vote for Obama and support the Democrats "because of the Supreme Court" say this morning?

7. Why does the right wing in this country distrust "big government" on everything except executing people of color and the poor?

8. Why were Democrats who spoke out for Troy the utter exception and not the rule?

9. Why didn't the New York Times editorial page say anything until after Troy's parole was denied when their words wouldn't mean a damn?

9. Why does this hurt so much?

10. How can Barack Obama say that commenting on Troy's case is "not appropriate" but it's somehow appropriate to bomb Libya and kill nameless innocents without the pretense of congressional approval?

11. What would he say if Malia asked him that question?

12. How can we have a Black family in the White House and a legal lynching in Georgia?

13. Why does this hurt so much?

14. Can we acknowledge that in our name, this country has created hundreds of thousands of Troy Davises in the Middle East?

15. Can we continue to co-exist peacefully in a country that executes its own?

16. What the hell do I tell my seven year old daughter who has been marching to save Troy since she was in a stroller?

17. If some Troy's last words were, "This movement began before I was born, it must continue and grow stronger under we abolish the death penalty once and for all", then do we not have nothing less than a moral obligation to continue the fight?

"The death penalty system in our country is unjust and outdated."


The execution of death row inmate Troy Davis in Georgia shows that the nation's death penalty system is "unjust and outdated," former President Jimmy Carter said following Davis' death.

The Georgia Democrat said Thursday in a statement to The Associated Press that he hopes "this tragedy will spur us as a nation toward the total rejection of capital punishment."

Davis was executed late Wednesday night for the 1989 murder of off-duty Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail. His supporters insist he was the victim of mistaken identity, while prosecutors and MacPhail's family said justice was finally served after four years of delays.

Carter says "if one of our fellow citizens can be executed with so much doubt surrounding his guilt, then the death penalty system in our country is unjust and outdated."

Davis maintained his innocence until the end.

"All I can ask ... is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth. I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight," he said moments before he was executed Wednesday night...

Carter: Davis execution shows system is "unjust"
September 22, 2011

Great Quotes on Troy Davis

"If you are pro-death penalty, you should be shouting twice as loud as the rest of us about the imminent murder of Troy Davis. Otherwise, you can't claim to be supporting a stark but necessary act of justice. You're just a fan of killing people in general. There are words for people like that. None of them are nice."
Tom Chivers of the London Telegraph

Troy Davis executed at 11:08 p.m. EST

Georgia inmate killed by lethal injection after last-minute appeal refused by Supreme Court
GREG BLUESTEIN, Associated Press
Wednesday, Sep 21, 2011

Georgia inmate Troy Davis has been executed for the killing of an off-duty police officer in a case that has drawn worldwide support over his claims of innocence.

Courts consistently ruled against him, however, and the officer's family says they finally have justice after 22 years.

Davis was pronounced dead at 11:08 p.m. Wednesday. He was put to death for the 1989 killing of Mark MacPhail. The officer was shot to death while rushing to help a homeless man being attacked by Davis and others.

Davis' global support came from high-profile advocates, including a former U.S. president, the pope and celebrities.

Shortly before, the Supreme Court late Wednesday had rejected an 11th-hour request to block the execution.

The court did not comment on its order, four hours after receiving the request. Davis' execution had been set to begin at 7 p.m., but the high court's decision was not issued until after 10 p.m.

Though Davis' attorneys said seven of nine key witnesses against him disputed all or parts of their testimony, state and federal judges had repeatedly ruled against granting him a new trial. As the court losses piled up Wednesday, his offer to take a polygraph test was rejected and the pardons board refused to give him one more hearing.

Davis' supporters staged vigils in the U.S. and Europe, declaring "I am Troy Davis" on signs, T-shirts and the Internet. Some tried increasingly frenzied measures, urging prison workers to stay home and even posting a judge's phone number online, hoping people would press him to put a stop to the lethal injection. President Barack Obama deflected calls for him to get involved.

"They say death row; we say hell no!" protesters shouted outside the Jackson prison where Davis was to be executed. In Washington, a crowd outside the Supreme Court yelled the same chant.

The crowd outside the prison swelled to more than 500 as night fell and a few dozen riot police stood watch. About 10 counterdemonstrators also were there, showing support for the death penalty and the family of Mark MacPhail, the man Davis was convicted of killing in 1989.

"He had all the chances in the world," his mother, Anneliese MacPhail, said of Davis in a telephone interview before the execution. "It has got to come to an end."

At a Paris rally, many of the roughly 150 demonstrators carried signs emblazoned with Davis' face. "Everyone who looks a little bit at the case knows that there is too much doubt to execute him," Nicolas Krameyer of Amnesty International said at the protest.

Davis' execution has been stopped three times since 2007, but on Wednesday the 42-year-old ran out of legal options.

As his last hours ticked away, an upbeat and prayerful Davis turned down an offer for a special last meal as he met with friends, family and supporters.

"Troy Davis has impacted the world," his sister Martina Correia said at a news conference. "They say, 'I am Troy Davis,' in languages he can't speak."

Correia, who is battling breast cancer and using a wheelchair as she helps coordinate rallies and other events, called on people to push for change in the justice system. Then she said, "I'm going to stand here for my brother," and got up with help from people around her.

Amnesty International says nearly 1 million people had signed a petition on Davis' behalf. His supporters included former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict XVI, a former FBI director, the NAACP, several conservative figures and many celebrities, including hip-hop star Sean "P. Diddy" Combs.

"I'm trying to bring the word to the young people: There is too much doubt," rapper Big Boi, of the Atlanta-based group Outkast, said at a church near the prison.

The U.S. Supreme Court gave Davis an unusual opportunity to prove his innocence in a lower court last year, though the high court itself did not hear the merits of the case.

He was convicted in 1991 of killing MacPhail, who was working as a security guard at the time. MacPhail rushed to the aid of a homeless man who prosecutors said Davis was bashing with a handgun after asking him for a beer. Prosecutors said Davis had a smirk on his face as he shot the officer to death in a Burger King parking lot in Savannah.

No gun was ever found, but prosecutors say shell casings were linked to an earlier shooting for which Davis was convicted.

Witnesses placed Davis at the crime scene and identified him as the shooter, but several of them have recanted their accounts and some jurors have said they've changed their minds about his guilt. Others have claimed a man who was with Davis that night has told people he actually shot the officer.

"Such incredibly flawed eyewitness testimony should never be the basis for an execution," Marsh said. "To execute someone under these circumstances would be unconscionable."

State and federal courts, however, repeatedly upheld Davis' conviction. One federal judge dismissed the evidence advanced by Davis' lawyers as "largely smoke and mirrors."

"He has had ample time to prove his innocence," said MacPhail's widow, Joan MacPhail-Harris. "And he is not innocent."

Davis' best chance may have come last year, in a hearing ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court. It was the first time in 50 years that justices had considered a request to grant a new trial for a death row inmate.

The high court set a tough standard for Davis to exonerate himself, ruling that his attorneys must "clearly establish" Davis' innocence -- a higher bar to meet than prosecutors having to prove guilt. After the hearing judge ruled in prosecutors' favor, the justices didn't take up the case.

The execution has drawn widespread criticism in Europe, where politicians and activists made last-minute pleas for a stay.

Spencer Lawton, the district attorney who secured Davis' conviction in 1991, said he was embarrassed for the judicial system -- not because of the execution, but because it has taken so long to carry out.

"What we have had is a manufactured appearance of doubt which has taken on the quality of legitimate doubt itself. And all of it is exquisitely unfair," said Lawton, who retired as Chatham County's head prosecutor in 2008. "The good news is we live in a civilized society where questions like this are decided based on fact in open and transparent courts of law, and not on street corners."

Associated Press reporters Russ Bynum in Savannah, Kate Brumback and Marina Hutchinson in Jackson, Eric Tucker and Erica Werner in Washington and Sohrab Monemi in Paris contributed to this report.


The Ten Richest People in America

1. Bill Gates $59 B 55 Medina, Washington Microsoft
2. Warren Buffett $39 B 81 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
3. Larry Ellison $33 B 67 Woodside, California Oracle
4. Charles Koch $25 B 75 Wichita, Kansas diversified
4. David Koch $25 B 71 New York, New York diversified
6. Christy Walton $24.5 B 56 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
7. George Soros $22 B 81 Katonah, New York hedge funds
8. Sheldon Adelson $21.5 B 78 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
9. Jim Walton $21.1 B 63 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
10. Alice Walton $20.9 B 61 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart


Cool TV Trend: Babes

With the reboot of Charlie's Angels along with new shows Pan Am & The Playboy Club, as well as the Zooey Deschanel vehicle New Girl, it's a good year for BabeWatch fans on the boob tube...


YouTube Clip of the Week

Tom & Jerry tell you who's the illuminati president of Hollywood:


Food Porn of the Week


Mac N' Cheese Big Daddy Patty Melt, which comes in at 1,690 calories, 99 grams of fat, courtesy of Denny's...


The Triple Double Oreo...


Hewlett-Packard's New CEO: Meg Whitman

HP has made some bad business decisions lately: will putting the former EBay CEO as their head be a step in the right direction?



Mariano Rivera of the New York Yankess gets his record 602nd save:

Nevermind turned 20 years old on September 24th:

The rock band Queen turned 40 on September 23rd. They have a book out documenting their history:

Jimi Hendrix died 41 years ago on September 18th. Guitar World has a tribute to him:

The UFO abduction report of Betty & Barney Hill happened 50 years ago on September 19th in New Hampshire. It inspired a great TV movie starring James Earl Jones & Estelle Parsons, and Konformist pal Bryce Zabel is planning to make a new film about it. While not the first UFO abduction tale, it was the one that put it in the popular culture and still is probably the most famous. Fox News, to its credit, has a great article on the anniversary:

Mark Hamill turned 60 on September 25th. No matter what he does (including his brilliant vocal portrayal of The Joker in the animated Batman series) his career will always be reduced to his performance of Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars Trilogy. Which isn't a bad thing:

Singer, songwriter and poet Leonard Cohen turned 77 on September 21st. That's as good of a reason as any to view the excellent documentary Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man. Here it is, courtesy of

Jazz artist John Coltrane turned 85 on September 23rd. Dangerous Minds has a great tribute to him:


Discovered: Hydrogen from Wastewater

Hydrogen is a clean fuel, but making it usually takes fossil fuels, until now: A new discovery allows hungry bacteria to eat dirty water to make the fuel...




The indie band that did well: the first album they released after signing a major record deal was titled Green - a nod to business success and not environmental concerns...

All My Children

We'll especially miss the Susan Lucci Emmy Awards jokes...


RIP: Tom Wilson, 80, creator of the comic strip Ziggy...

Oktoberfest 2011

The 178th Oktoberfest opened in Munich, Germany, with the traditional tapping of the first keg of beer by Munich's mayor, Christian Ude, shouting "O'zapft is!" ("It's tapped!"). The Bavarian festival takes place over 17 days, and some 6 million people are expected to attend. Here are some of the photos from Oktoberfest 2011's first weekend, via The Atlantic:


Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Minka Kelly

Sofia Vergara



Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Lopez

Eva Longoria, Marcia Cross & Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives