Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter Movies

I think the winter season has the best movies, especially December. It’s when we get a lot of independent, thought-provoking, heartwarming movies. Here are the ones I want to see.

This could be really good or really creepy. I love Carey Mulligan.

We Need To Talk About Kevin
I've wanted to see this movie since I heard about the book. Unfortunately I didn't read the book in time.

Young Adult
This is the movie I can't wait to see. I love Charlize so much! It's written by Diablo Cody, so I know I'll love it.

I have to say, I'm very surprised that I want to see Madonna's new movie. It actually looks really interesting.

I Melt With You
I still don't really know what it's about, but what a cast!

The Iron Lady
I'm always down for a political drama, even when it's not American. Meryl looks amazing as Margaret Thatcher!

We Bought A Zoo
What a good Christmas Day movie. I'll look past the fact that Scarlett Johansson is in it.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Heartbreaking and interesting.

This movie kind of reminds me of The Town, which I liked. And I like Mark Wahlberg too!

The Grey
Liam Neeson is kind of awesome, am I right? This movie looks intense.

The Woman in Black
Another movie I've wanted to see for a long time. I don't think it'll be as cheesy as most horror movies.

Three high school kids get super powers. I'm interested. Plus it's set in Seattle.

Big Miracle
This one looks kind of dumb, (think Free Willy) but I love John Krasinski and Kristen Bell.

The Vow
It’s like a dramatic, romantic version of 50 First Dates. Get your tissue ready!

I'm a sucker for a Jennifer Aniston movie. I see them all. Plus Paul Rudd is so adorable!

The Raven
I'm intrigued.

The Hunger Games
This needs no explanation. We all want to see it!

What looks good to you?

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