Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Busiest Time Of The Year

The holidays just flew by! With my breathing problems, surgery then recovery, it was really hard to find time to get out and about. I felt kinda bummed out about it, but looking back I think we did a pretty good job celebrating in a low-key way.

Thanksgiving was fun as a new family of four. We ate with my family on Thanksgiving day.
Then we had Jacob's family over for Black Friday dinner. I think we just started a new tradition!

The Apple Cup (our college football rivalry game) is always awesome.
Even if my sister was rooting for the wrong/losing team. Go Huskies!

We took on Jacob’s childhood tradition of Advent this year. Every night we read a Christmas book, sang a carol
and let Nolan open a door from our calendar where he found a piece of candy or small toy.

Jacob took Nolan to our town’s tree lighting.

We let the boys pick out their traditional Hallmark ornament.

Santa drove through our neighborhood in a fire truck during bath time. Jacob snatched up Nolan, wrapped a blanket
around his naked body, threw on Milo’s tiny had and ran outside to see him. Milo and I waited inside.

We bought our Christmas present a little early; a Sony Google TV for our bedroom. I love it! 

Jacob hung some lights on the house for the first time ever. We were the most pathetic house in our neighborhood.

Jacob and I saw Cinderella at The 5th Avenue Theater.

We also caught an Everett Silvertips hockey game.

We forced Santa hats on our kids.

I finally got my new washer and dryer! Even the kids are into it.

We drove around and looked at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.

We made a gingerbread train.

Nolan picked out and wrapped a present for his little brother.

We got an early Christmas present from my grandpa: the Thomas Christmas train set.

We went to Zoolights.

We baked cookies and candy for our families and Nolan decorated some for Santa.

We opened presents and played with new toys.

We spent lots of time with family.

And today is Jacob's 33rd birthday. We had plans to take the boys ice skating and then he and I were going to enjoy a nice quiet dinner at The Melting Pot. But Nolan has a fever, has been throwing up and keeps saying his neck (throat?) hurts. It looks like we'll spend the day cuddled up on the couch. Hopefully he gets over this bug soon so we can reschedule the plans. I'm excited to see Nolan ice skate for the first time. Luckily my mom is awesome and let us move our dinner reservation to 9:30 pm! So at least we'll get a nice date tonight.

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