Monday, December 1, 2008

Revue Magazine ~ Guatemala

FROM THE PUBLISHERS: August 2008 in Revue Magazine
Posted by rudygiron on Friday, August 01

Revue Cover: 2008 Olympic Athletes
design by Rudy A. Girón

We salute Guatemala’s olympic athletes on our cover this month, designed by Rudy Girón. These 12 talented and committed men and women will be competing at the Beijing 2008 Olympics; stay tuned to local media for more about their achievements.

August is traditionally dedicated to Guatemala City’s downtown Historical Center. Starting with Sensuous Guatemala, a feast for the senses in the great square that is flanked by the National Palace and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Next up, The Time Tunnels of Zone One, a trip through four fascinating ‘pasajes’, along with a sentimental journey to those golden bygone days. The final homage to zone 1 is Portal to the Past, featuring El Portal, Guatemala City’s oldest and continuously-operating restaurant. If those walls could talk.

Within the ‘Ruins of La Antigua’ series is the not to be missed Mysterious Monument, the story of the Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza de Religiosa Capuchinas. Flashback: 1937 offers you a chance to guess which town the author is writing about ... “real estate sells from $2.50 an acre to $8.50 an acre.”

The Zen of Fin and Fondo is aptly named for we have come to the end of this popular column—at least for now. Our thanks and appreciation to writer Dwight Wayne Coop who, after some 55 The Zen of ... articles, would like to shift gears and introduce a new subject, beginning next month.

The August DateBook is jam-packed with events all month long; in El Salvador the Festival de Maíz (Celebrating Corn in Suchitoto) will be held on August 17.

Thank you for reading the Revue; with 20,000 in print monthly, the magazine is also available in Flash Paper or PDF format online at

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