Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fundacion Tradiciones Mayas

Fundacion Tradiciones Mayas

The Fundacion Tradiciones Mayas is a Fair Trade organization working with cooperatives of Maya women weavers in Guatemala. We need materials to post in travel agencies and other places where we can attract tourists and wholesale buyers traveling to Guatemala. We offer educational tours on Fair Trade, weaving demonstrations and a Fair Trade shopping experience in Panajachel, Sololá (Lake Atitlan). These tours help support our social economic development programs while educating people about the ancient art of back strap weaving and Fair Trade. The promotional material could be an attractive bookmark, a brochure or a poster with presentation cards. We would like to start by placing these materials in fifty locations within Guatemala and the US during the month of January, 2009. There is no deadline and we have not yet developed a budget.

How to Apply:

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