Monday, December 15, 2008


Volunteering in our Street School in Las Rosas
We currently offer free education to over 195 children (between 5-15yrs) in the economically poor neighborhood of Las Rosas, just on the outskirts of Xela (a 10min. busride). If you are interested in volunteering in our school we ask the following from you;
• Be able to commit for a minimum of 3 months, 5 days a week
• Speak intermediate Spanish
• Be flexible, adaptable and take initiative
• Have some experience working with children
• Help with fundraising events

Possible work at the School is limited only by the imagination and funding resources. Current needs; (co)-Teachers, Social workers, Health care workers etc. Working in our School you will most likely be working in the mornings unless you want to help out with computer classes in the afternoon. Co-teaching with one of the local teachers you will be involved in all teaching aspects. Helping children to learn to read and write, class discipline and in all other areas were needed. Our teachers are open towards any ideas or plans you have. Volunteers receive discount on a room in Casa Argentina (see below for prices).
For more information about volunteering in our Street School, please e-mail the school at (Spanish only, please.) Estimated cost of living in Casa Argentina for volunteers:
(as of December 10, 2008, you get 7.65 Quetzals for US$1 and 9.97 Quetzals for EUR€1)
Room 600Q per month US$78.42/EUR€60.11
Food 400Q per month US$52.28/EUR€40.08
Other 200Q per month US$26.14/EUR€20.03
Total 1200Q per month US$156.83/EUR€120.20


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