Press Release
Hay siempre un día mas lejos
Runo Lagomarsino's exhibition Hay siempre un día mas lejos (There is always a day away) creates a break which allows us to go forward and backward in space and time. The installation sets up a narrative from fragments that allude to historical events in order to analyze how we construct history. One of the starting points of the exhibition are the dates of departure and arrival of first two journeys of Christopher Columbus to American continent: August 3rd to October 12th of 1492, January 16th to March 4th of 1493. These sun drawings emphasize the link between time and travel while pointing to the Atlantic as geopolitical space.
On a single shelf objects are arranged, collages, little sculptures, wine cork stoppers, a collection of ships printed on napkins and matchboxes... that in one way or another tell about the metaphors built around travel and conquest. Focused on the imagination of a colonial past, the installation calls into question how these images have circulated and have been constructed. In this way the exhibition uses museological discourse to group materials and to connect objects in order to destabilize notions of geography and linear narratives.
September 28th to October 22nd, 2011
Galeria Luisa Strina
Rua Padre João Manuel, 755 - 01411-000 - São Paulo - SP, Brazil
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