Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kiwiana Christmas

I just got back from the Mt Albert Baptist Church Annual Christmas at Rocket Park. Tired but happy. My students and I must have given out 3000 goodie bags.

Santa came and he had stripped his thick suit for a singlet because it is so hot here. He also shaved off his beard either because of the heat or he heard that in New Zealand, men shave their beard for the movember cause for men's cancer. Along the way, he went to Germany and picked up a pretty helper, Anja Blaske. The elves were happy and couldn't wait to get out of santa's trailer. I suspected the reindeers went on strike because of the heat, and santa had to borrow a farmer's quad bike.

All very entertaining, James.

My students say, it is not Santa, It is his son. I could the kids to compare a traditional santa and a Kiwi/New zealand santa. Can you spot the difference?

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