Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm thankful!

I’m thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I’m very fortunate and I like to show my appreciation, but I’m not a big fan of Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday where the main event is eating and I’m such a picky eater. I don’t like turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie or pecan pie. Seriously. I end up just having some side dishes: mashed potatoes, rolls, and my dad’s awesome southern fried green beans cooked with garlic and bacon. Sounds weird, but it’s delicious! I always bring an alternate dessert like apple pie or cherry cheesecake. I made a pumpkin cheesecake last year and it was really good. And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like pumpkin.

Also, it has never been a very big deal in my family. My dad’s family lives in the south, so they’re out. My mom came from a family of ten kids. TEN! My grandma always made the entire family, about 70 of us, get together for Christmas Eve. There were no excuses. We could do whatever we wanted on Thanksgiving and Christmas day, but we HAD to be there on Christmas Eve. So Thanksgiving was always just my parents, my siblings and my grandma. Since my grandma came over every Sunday night for dinner, it really wasn’t anything special or out of the ordinary. To this day, it’s just the immediate family. And since Jacob’s parents live a block away from mine, we go to their dinner afterwards, which is also just his immediate family. But I always love to spend time with our families, especially because there are lots of kiddos around now.

I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving! I hope you eat lots of good food, have fun with your families and friends, and remember to appreciate the good things, big or small.

This one is so me. And there will only one person from both dinners - my sister.

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