Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ABC Wednesday: Q for Queen Street


Queen Street is the most famous Street in CBD, Auckland.

Most peaceful marches and victory parades in Auckland start at Queen Elizabeth Square because of it's strategic location. This square is an entry to the Britomart Transport Centre and the start of Queen Street. It is in the vicinity of the Ferry Terminal. This transitory paved area features a Kauri forest and a fire boulder water feature. Otherwise, it is a square in the downtown where people sit and have their lunches. In our very own The Apprentice, one team chose this location to sell their sausages and won.

The marches proceed up the main street, Queen street. They finish at Myers park. Myers Park is a narrow park in central Auckland, New Zealand, running parallel to the upper part of Queen Street. It is characterised by steep, grassed slopes and canopied with a mixture of large exotic and native trees, including an alley of large palm trees. Benches and artwork (including a heritage marble copy of Michelangelo's sitting Moses statue) line the paths connecting to Queen Street, K Road, Grey's Avenue and Aotea Square.

Here the tired marchers sit or lie on the grass to listen to speeches and have BBQs.

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