Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Retiring to Guatemala

Dear Pamela,

You could help me right now by telling me what you would want to look for in a retirement home in a third-world country like Guatemala. That would help me write up something, and you could add in whatever you find that is interesting as well. I love it here because there is no jet lag, the electricity and plumbing is the same as the United States, and the weather around the lake is 75 degrees year round. They call it "The land of the eternal Spring."

This means single-wall construction, no insulation, no heating or airconditioning, and you can live mostly in the garden and with the doors and windows open all day. It's pretty marvelous, really. I call it "poor man's Hawaii," although it's getting built up so much with Europeans and Americans prices are rising. I'm glad I got here when I did.

Let me know... Yours, CT

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