Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ah, passed down on friday (Speech Day)... Going to miss my dear recruits! T.T Hope that Jeremy, Salvia and Jia Hui will do everything they can to train the recruits into main band members^^ Or even better than my commitee! Oh, lol, just realised jeremy was my recruit too! Haha. Wanna wish Seri and Lionel and the new batch of NCOs all the best and jia you! (oh god, i'm gonna miss em...) My dear little boyboy Eugene too as SL. I believe he can do it! Yeah man! He and Ting Yu (eh she should do smth bout her hair LOL!!!jk), gave me this little monkey after fall out. So sweet ^^! XieXie, Muack!

Oh and although its a bit late to be still happy bout it but.... YAY ANDERSON MILITARY BAND ACHIEVED GOLD!!! Whoots! ^^^^ I'll say this is the best thing my batch every did to contribute to AMB, and really sorry to Mr Leow for all the things we did behind his back...oops.. =D Time flies. Really. Stepped down already and the big Os are coming... Argh! Gotta pia notes and exercises le... sad... But.... i've got my darling with me and things are better...^^^^^^ heehee! Oh and he got me this cute white bear! (See the picture?) =( but he strapped it to his bag. Bleah. Oh the other photo was us acting dumb. O.O
Okay, thats all =). Till next time den i'll post again.

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