Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Philippa Myers


Panajachel Lecture Series:

Rods and Reels Sport

Mayan Tours & Travel: Lake Atitlan Events (no activity from 2008-2009):

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Expat Exchange

Ten Things You Should Know Before You Move To Central or South America
By Donald Lee


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Residency in Guatemala
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Work options in Antigua Guatemala for optometrist and teacher
10 Tips for Living in Guatemala
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Guatemala - car insurance

You are here: Experts > Cultures > Mexico/Central America for Visitors > Guatemala > car insurance

Guatemala - car insurance
Expert: Bethany - 1/21/2008

I am driving to Guatemala crossing the border either near Tapachula or La Mesilla. I have an FM3 visa(residency visa)in Mexico but the car is registered in Canada.
I need to know how to arrange car insurance before crossing the border (internet, telephone, at the border). Thanks for any information you can give me.

Hi Craig

I'm sorry I didn't get back with you sooner, my computer's been in the shop. I can help you in detail and would be happy to, if someone else hasn't already. I know it's been 10 days since you asked.
If you haven't already made your trip drop me a reply to this e-mail and I'll get the information together for you.


Guatemala - car insurance

You are here: Experts > Cultures > Mexico/Central America for Visitors > Guatemala > car insurance

Guatemala - car insurance
Expert: Bethany - 1/21/2008

I am driving to Guatemala crossing the border either near Tapachula or La Mesilla. I have an FM3 visa(residency visa)in Mexico but the car is registered in Canada.
I need to know how to arrange car insurance before crossing the border (internet, telephone, at the border). Thanks for any information you can give me.

Hi Craig

I'm sorry I didn't get back with you sooner, my computer's been in the shop. I can help you in detail and would be happy to, if someone else hasn't already. I know it's been 10 days since you asked.
If you haven't already made your trip drop me a reply to this e-mail and I'll get the information together for you.


Pet friendly rentals in Antigua Guatemala

You are here: Experts > Cultures > Mexico/Central America for Visitors > Guatemala > Pet friendly rentals in Antigua, etc...

Guatemala - Pet friendly rentals in Antigua, etc...
Expert: Bethany - 11/6/2007

Hi Bethany!
I have a lot of questions, they don't all have to do with my pets but any insight would be greatly appreciated! My boyfriend and I, having just completed a certification to teach English as a foreign language, are moving to Antigua in September. We will be in Mexico for awhile before we arrive and are flying to Guat City from Guadalajara and our dog and cat will be coming from Virginia once we are settled. Do you have any advice on transporting pets into the country by air? The State Dept web site lists procedures but we are worried about the actual process. Is it difficult to find housing that accepts pets? We want to find somewhere with a kitchen and parking (we plan on buying a car too if you have advice on that!)that we can rent month to month in case we can't find a job in Antigua and we have to go elsewhere.
We relatively familiar with the area having spent summer 2006 in Antigua and this past summer working in Belize and near Tikal. We realized we will need a car in order to cross a border every 90 days with our pets, as we wouldn't possibly leave them at home for the 72 hours. Do you think it will be difficult getting our pets back in forth across the border as we renew our visas until we can (hopefully!) procure a work permit when we (hopefully) find a job? I imagine we will be going to Honduras towards Roatan or to Belize. Borders we have crossed and re-crossed before but not with animals in tow.
Also, is there any way that you know of to get permission to enter the country by air and get a visa without having a return plane ticket? We plan on staying in Antigua indefinitely and when we do leave it will probably be to go further south wherever we can find a job-not back to the US.
Sorry this is a huge question! Thanks in advance!

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Hi Jamie

Congratulations on your certifications!
We hear about job openings every now and again. A law firm and a Dr were both looking to hire bilingual office help last month. If you'd like, I could put some feelers out for you closer to your arrival.

As for housing with the requirements you listed that accept pets. It's here but you'll need to give a property management company at least a month notice or you'll pay almost double the amount per month you would have otherwise. We got a great deal on a place that would accept pets for 675 per month. We were paying 1,400 for the exact same place, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, maids quarters, Internet, cable, 3 car parking, hot water, walk in closet, private garden and so on but you have to give notice. Most rentals come fully furnished, again you'll pay higher for these. At this time I know of a fully furnished two bedroom with private yard, private parking, hot water, Internet and cable for 400 per month but the kitchen is very small. Month to month rentals are easy to come by in Antigua. Great for people not wanting a long lease, but looking into at least a 3 to 6 month lease will be cheaper and make it easier for you to find a place for your pets.

Keep in mind, in Antigua the rule with property management firms is RENTER BEWARE! We moved 4 different times in 3 months last year. You can get good prices on rentals, but you have to be careful who you deal with. I can give you a referral to an honest property management team if you'd like.
We learned the hard way.

I understand and appreciate your concern for your pets, not wanting to leave them while you exit the country.
If you apply for permission from the Guatemalan Embassy (10 dollars per pet) to bring your pets here legally, the form they give you will make bringing your pets back into the country a snap, it's good for the life of the pet as long as the pet appears healthy at the time you cross the boarder. Honduras is a much better choice than Belize when exiting with your pets. Belize has stricter entry requirements, sometimes charging you a fee per pet or even in some cases demanding you pay for quarantine.
Did you know that there's a way you can stay in the country for six months on your tourist visa? Do you know that a one year temporary residency is easy to obtain and that once you apply you are not required to exit the country? If either of these are options you'd be interested in but didn't know about, let me know and I'll help you out with them when you get here.

I don't know of any way you can get a tourist visa by air without a return ticket. You sound very well traveled, have you considered renting a car and driving your pets down? If you had the time it might be an option with the money you would save on your round trip air fare, and the cost of flying your pets. You may actually come out ahead by driving. If you know the ins and outs you can drive a car down from the states, even if it's financed. That would save you from having to buy something your not familiar with when you get here. Again let me know if you would like any help in this area.

As for flying pets, the rules are very strict. The only advice I can give is how to go about getting them on the plane.

The same requirements that apply to flying dogs, apply to cats and other household pets.
When you arrive at the Guatemala airport there may or may not be someone there to check your pets paper work. Sometimes customs may ask to see it, sometimes not. If no one asks to see the paper work, you leave with your pet. If they do ask, it takes all of 3 minutes for them to check it. Fast and painless. Please make sure you have your paperwork for them incase they ask, if not you pet may be quarantined or refused entrance.

What you need to do now, is call your nearest consulate and ask them to email or send you the forms you need to bring your pet into Guatemala. The form will be a Veterinary certificate stating that your pet is free of parasites, free of open wounds or diseases communicable to humans. Your pet must also be vaccinated for rabies more than 30 days before travel and less than 12 months before travel. Have your veterinarian complete the Veterinary Certificate, and attach the rabies certificate to it. Send the certificate back to the nearest consulate of Guatemala with a check in the amount of $10.00 with a brief cover letter stating why you wish the certificate issued (you will be attending Spanish school for a few months) with a self addressed/stamped return envelope. They will send you back an endorsement and you're good to go. It's really easy and inexpensive. It's important you get the forms from the consulate because the form has to be Bi-Lingual or they will turn it down. You will also want to make sure your pet is on a good flea, tick and heartworm preventative.

If there is anything else, please let me know.
Never look back.


Drive to Guatemala then Costa Rica

AllExperts > Guatemala

I can answer questions regarding driving to Guatemala from the states, which route might be safest, and pet friendly hotels along the way. I can also answer questions about how to bring your dog and where you can stay with a pet once you get here. If Antigua is your destination, I can answer basic safety questions along with helping find translators, English speaking realtors, and pet friendly rentals in the area. I can also answer questions about how easy (or difficult) it can be to get around Antigua knowing very little Spanish. Welcome to Guatemala!

My husband and I have spent three months a year in Antigua for the past five years. Last month we finally moved here permanently. We drove down from Washington state with three large dogs, so we're familiar with safety and road conditions through Mexico.

Associates degree in political science.

You are here: Experts > Cultures > Mexico/Central America for Visitors > Guatemala > drive to guatemala then to costa rica

Guatemala - drive to guatemala then to costa rica
Expert: Bethany - 1/14/2008

Hi Beth,

I guess my question is more logistically based as we have to be in San Jose CR on the 25th of Feb. Im going explain to you what I would like to do and hope that you can comment on its feasability and add to any questions I might have.

I'm an Alaskan and have driven my 22 foot (minnie Winnie) motorhome down from Anchorage and its now in Cabo San Lucas. Its older style motorhome but runs great. I have new rubber and lots of spare parts on board. I can speak fairly good spanish and my buddy from Aruba is fluent. I'm planning to put it on the ferry in La Paz to Mazatlan on Feb 11, 2008. We want to take the coastal road all the way down. I would like to stop in Tequila, Manzanillo, Ixtapa, for sure...are there any other spots you would recomend. Any advise on crossing the Mex/Gueatemala border? I assume we do this a Tapachula? Is there a safe hotel to stay at there so we can get up and cross the border when it opens?

Im hoping to spend the night of Feb 16th in Antigua Guatemala. Can you recommend a safe hotel where we can park our rig in town? Also, It would be nice to hire a guide and driver to tour us around the volcano and the lake and maybe go see the tikal ruinas. Is that possible to do in a three day period. So if we left Antigua the morning of the 20th of February is it feasible to drive to Managua in one day? It would be nice to spend 2 nights in Managua as I have a freind there. I dont know anything about El Salvador and was just planning on driving through. Any suggestions on what to do or stay or the borders?

Thanks for any help you can advise. I know I dumped alot on you, but I had to explain the whole itinerary. The big thing is that I have to be at the San Jose Airport to pick up my dad at 900pm on the 25th of Feb.

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Hi Kurt,

Sorry it took so long to get back with you. I had to do some homework on your time frames, get a hold of the driver (who's been at the volcano with a tour), look for RV parking in Antigua, and write this long winded email. I think I have a handle on it lol.

You asked for my advice, and my advice would be to get through Mexico (about 8 hours coastal route) as quick as you can. Things have really changed in Mexico in the last year or so. Tourists and middle class Mexicans are being robbed by criminals as well as the police, at alarming rates all over Mexico. The Mexican Government refuses to do anything about it and it's not getting much attention by US media.

When you travel through Mexico make sure you have 60.00 dollars between you and your friend in 10 dollar bills. Keep this in your wallet and keep any other cash you have extremely well hidden.
If you get pulled over in Mexico, the officer will usually demand you pay him 200.00 US dollars for the ticket they are getting ready to write you. If you don't pay, they will threaten to take you to the judge or police station. This used to be an idol threat, but not anymore. If you T them off they'll take you to the station, you will sit there a day or two and the "judge" will rule in favor of the officer anyway.

It's usually better to be very polite and tell them that you don't have that kind of money, that you got pulled over a couple of hours before and the officer made you pay 100.00 dollars. They will again demand 200.00 or jail. Again tell them you don't have that much money, that you paid all your money for another ticket a couple hours earlier, pull out your wallet and show them the 30.00. At this point they will either take the 30.00 and let you go, or tell you to get the rest from your friend. Most of the time they'll just let you off with paying them 30.00. They start out high hoping to scare a rookie that doesn't know any better. Whatever you do, don't try to tell them you have no money at all - in that case they will be more than happy to drive you to an ATM to get out 200.00, they know you have a credit card. You don't usually need to worry about this happening in Guadalajara or Mazatlan, but it's extremely bad throughout the rest of the country, especially in or around Mexico City. It's better to play dumb when being pulled over, speak as little or no Spanish if possible to avoid an argument or confrontation. Lots of pointing and cave man grunts will get you off cheaper and safer in the long run.

You're going to hit several military check points traveling through Mexico. As of a couple of days ago there were 6 between Mazatlan and Guatemala. The fastest way to get through them with just a quick search or no search at all, is to have a map handy on your dashboard, speak no Spanish at all, point to Panama and ask them if you are on the right road. Again - think cave man, let your hands talk for you. Most of them speak no English and will usually just wave you through to get you out of their hair. The last time we spoke any Spanish at a military check point in Mexico, it took over an hour to answer their questions and watch them search our luggage and car. We've never done that again.

As for the Guatemalan border...

Yes, you will cross in Tapachula. It's a large city with no shortage of hotels. You should have no problem finding a place for your RV.
I usually suggest people pay a Tramitador (don't know how to spell it) to help them get their paperwork through quickly. They only charge about 20.00 dollars US.
You can find them by asking one or two people at the border and they'll point them out for you.
You sit in your car, have breakfast or shop for about an hour while they do all the paperwork. Since you speak Spanish you should easily be able to maneuver the border, but the Tramitadors are a convenient, fast, and inexpensive way to getting your sticker for your car and your visa.

Make sure you have the title to your motor home (minnie Winnie), registration, proof of insurance, passport and drivers license. This will get you a sticker for your windshield and your visa. When you have these two items, you drive up about 30 feet, and pay around 3 bucks to get your vehicle undercarriage sprayed for weeds. You don't have to get out, and it only takes a few seconds. That's it, your done.

IMPORTANT - Do not forget to turn in the sticker you got for your windshield in Mexico at the Mexican Border before you exit. If you don't turn it back in, you can't get the vehicle back into Mexico for your return trip. If you're lucky enough to get your auto back into Mexico, it will be costly and time consuming.

The drive through Mexico is beautiful, but in my humble opinion, the farther south you get of the Mexico border - the safer you are. Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize and so on, have gotten a taste of the tourism dollar and - they like it a lot! Where they have taken 10 strides forward in cleaning up their crime and corruption, Mexico has taken 15 steps back. I'm not suggesting it would be safe for you to drive through Guatemala with a 100 dollar bill taped to your forehead, but they've made great strides in tourist safety. It's still a good idea to use an armed guide to travel to out of the way places like the tikal ruins (great choice by the way), the lake and the volcano's. There are many back roads into these places, the police can't be everywhere and the thief's know it. They also know these places draw tourists and tourists have money.

Guatemala is hands down the most beautiful country in Central America. There is so much to see and do. The weather is always perfect. You can safely tour Antigua on foot with no guide. I feel as safe, or safer here, than I do in any city in the states. You can get a great rate at a beautiful hotel, dinner and a beer at several places for 5 bucks and the food here is excellent. It's fast becoming the hot spot of Central America.

You can tour the volcano, the lake and the Tikal Ruinas but it would be ashamed to cut yourself so short.
To be able to fully appreciate and experience each of those places, I would really recommend giving yourself 4 days. Each place you mentioned is incredible beautiful and it's really hard to rush through them.
Is there any way you could spend another day or two in Guatemala? Antigua alone is definitely worth allowing for a couple of days travel time.

It is feasible to drive to Managua in one day. If you leave Antigua at 6 AM you should be able to make Managua by about 4:30 PM and that would give you a couple of days with your friends. I haven't spent much time in El Salvador, we've always just driven through on the way to Panama, so I can't really recommend anywhere to stay there.

We are asked not to post any links, phone numbers, or personal information on this web site so I can't post the information on the parking, hotel or guide in Antigua. If you send me a private post I can email you all of the information. There is actually an RV park in Antigua. I can give you their phone number and also the numbers for a couple of nice hotels with 24 hour security that may (for a few dollars) let you park there while you are touring the lake, the volcano and the Tikal Ruinas. I also know of parking lots with 24 hour security, Let me know your preference on that, and your price range for a hotel. You can get a beautiful room in a beautiful hotel with real breakfast for 60 - 80 dollars. I also checked booking info for an excellent guide that's available for those dates.

Send me a private message and I'll get your contact info out right away.
I hope this helps. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Questions to ask before you volunteer

Getting down to the details:

Whether you’ve decided to go abroad with a volunteer-sending program or are going on your own, there are lots of questions to ask the organization where you’ll be volunteering. Here are some to get you started (more)


Resources for Volunteering

See the book, How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas, for many more resources for volunteers, and evaluations of over 80 volunteer programs including the Peace Corps.

About Volunteering
Preparing to Volunteer
Educating Yourself About Development
Staying Involved When You get Home
Special Tips for Women
Media Stories About Volunteering


Selecting the "right" program

(Adapted from the publication “How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas”)

In addition to the country and type of work you would like to participate in, there are many other factors to consider in choosing a program that is right for you. We cannot guarantee the quality or level of responsibility of the organizations listed on this website, so it is important to ask for the names and numbers of returned volunteers to learn about their experiences first-hand.

First, take a moment to reflect upon your own motivations for volunteering abroad:

  • Why do you want to become an international volunteer?
  • What people, events, and experiences have led to your interest in volunteering abroad?
  • What do you hope to get out of the experience?
  • What do you hope to contribute?
  • How do you see international volunteering affecting your life?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
While there is not just one ‘right’ reason to volunteer abroad, it is important to realize that different motivations can led to different types of service. We caution against wanting ‘solve other people’s problems’ or ‘fix things’, as too often this (more)

What questions should I ask my program?

Other factors to consider in choosing a program include:

Duration and Time of Year
Type of Volunteer Organization
Other Considerations


Stories from people who have volunteered in Guatemala

Dr. Inouye
Cross-Cultural Solutions, Guatemala

Dr. InouyeEconomic challenges are profound in Guatemala City; but the human spirit is alive and well. Eva Duarte, a physician who runs the hospice service in the National Cancer Center, said, "We may be a third world country, but we don't have third world minds." With help from a number of vendors, Eva and her colleagues plan to develop a top notch facility to detect cancer earlier, treat disease before it progresses to deadly states, and provide palliative care for those (more)

Chandni Patel
Global Citizens Network, Guatemala

Llanos de Morales (Llanos), Guatemala, Preschool Renovation Project
The GCN team of 14 arrived in Guatemala City on July 7th, 2006. We were met by Freddy , the community leader and our project sponsor who led us to our villages.

The team was divided in two, one team planning to work on a pre-school renovation project in the village of Llanos and the other team planning to work on a road repair project in Sansirisay.

We were all welcomed by the villages and could feel the warmth of the people instantly as they expressed their gratitude for our (more)


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

L.I.F.E. School in Panajachel

LIFE School Director George Nippo & Sucely (student)

We're selling beautiful, handbeaded keychains to raising money for computers for one of my favorite grade schools in Panajachel, with a multicultural group of Guatemalan, indigenous and American / European students:

SeeL.I.F.E. School (which can also use volunteers) at:

LIFE School is located on the shores of Lake Atitlán, considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. The lake region is in the Guatemalan highlands, where the indigenous culture remains strong. Most families in this region continue to speak Mayan languages (Kaqchikel and Tz’utujil) and wear traditional, hand-woven clothing.

School Campus

The school is in a secluded, quiet area close to the lake. All buildings are simple brick constructions with tin roofs. During recess, students play on the playground, the basketball court, the ping-pong table, or the large soccer field. We have a well-stocked library as well as a small computer lab with wireless internet throughout the elementary campus. In 2008, a small group of generous donors provided a mobile lab consisting of 5 Mac iBooks and a laser printer that teachers can sign-out for their classes. (more)

Note: Some of us in the states are selling beautiful handbeaded Guatemalan keychains to raise money for Mac laptop computers for LIFE School in Panajachel, and asking local computer groups for donated laptops to take back. You could ask around as well if you have access to older or refurbished computers. They are very easy to pack when one comes to visit Lake Atitlan.

See more about this excellent international grade school at:

Volunteer in Guatemala

We need to make a list of all the charities, nonprofits and NGO's in the Lake Atitlan area (and all over Guatemala, of course). Here's a very nice email I received today:


I was looking for relief work organizations and places to volunteer in Guatemala (Antigua or near to) and I came across your blog page. It has been hard to find information on places to volunteer in Guatemala online, I'm wondering if you know of any that I can get into contact with. I am hoping to work with children in either a school or orphanage setting, but I am very open to new suggestions. Thank you for your help!

Happy day,


My answer is that maybe Kiah could volunteer to help create the very list she is looking for! Plus it could be done anywhere in the world, and sent to me by internet. The Volunteer in Guatemala list could be posted on this blog, and on the wikispace Lake Atitlan Directory I am in the process of creating, and would be a wonderful thing for all concerned. I am so glad she wrote today. Maybe more people would like to help with this!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Organizers Database (ODB)

Organizer's Database (for Windows). Note: I of course use FileMaker Pro, but this website has a lot of good info on using or creating a database. Good way to get started, if you don't use FileMaker, the Cadillac of database programs. See:

Organizer's Database (for Windows)

Does your nonprofit need to manage contacts and contributions without making a huge investment of money or time? You’ve come to the right place. Organizers Database (ODB) costs nothing to download, runs on any Windows computer, and is easy enough for everyone on your staff to learn.

ODB was designed by a nonprofit for nonprofits, and includes features you won't find anywhere else. With a single click, you can copy a list of emails, look up a zip code, or even split up an address into component parts. It is simple to generate labels, print thank yous, or identify expiring members. You can track interests and demographics using custom codes effortlessly.

Other features include:

* over 190 customization settings
* networkable on multiple computers
* dozens of shortcuts for data entry
* integration with Google and Mapquest
* HTML-editable payment reports
* ability to handle lists of 100,000 records

For a detailed list of features, click this link.
For some recent screen shots, see our archive on Flickr. (more)

Shopping bags crocheted from recycled plastic bags

After reading the "confessions" blog (above) I found a lot of ideas to crochet and recycle plastic bags, which could be a great idea for Guatemala.
Here's a number of interesting links:

Free Recycled Valentine's Bag Pattern

Joining & Crocheting Recycled Plastic Shopping Bags
A quick video on how to join recycled plastic shopping bags and crochet them.

Recycle Plastic Shopping Bags into 'Yarn'
Recycling plastic grocery bags and plastic shopping bags is nothing really new, but I like to do my recycling without smelling up my environment. If you merely return your bags to your local grocer for recycling, they will melt them down to make new bags. This emits more pollution into the air. I also discovered that fusing plastic bags releases noxious fumes into the air and I don't think that's any better either. So, in comes the scissors. (more)

Saturday, February 7, 2009 Eduwiki Resources for Educators

Note: Maybe we can do something like this for education in the Lake Atitlan area in Guatemala?

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Michael Baker

(Education Management industry)

July 2007 — Present (1 year 8 months)

I worked with 20 Keystone Technology Integrators in order to create and develop the project. As of August 2008, we have over 500 members and almost 1,200 resources. (more)


Excellent Video on how to use, setup and edit WikiSpace pages:

Atitlan Sol

Atitlan Sol, the English language magazine for Lake Atitlan

Great little magazine, funny and informative stories and lots of Lake Atitlan activities. See it on the web or pick up a copy around Panajachel, San Pedro, or other villages.

U.S. Embassy Meeting in Panajachel ~ Feb 2009

The U.S. Embassy will be holding a Town Hall Meeting in Panajachel on February 10, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at Posada de Don Rodrigo Hotel located at Final Calle Santander, Panajachel.

Consular and other Embassy Officials will present information of interest to American Citizens in Guatemala and will be available to answer your questions.

D. Wayne Coop,

Note: these are regular meetings; how often?


January 15, 2009
Dear American Citizen Warden:
The following is a Warden Message concerning a Town Hall Meeting in Antigua

Please contact the American Citizen Services section via e-mail
(, fax (2331-3804), or telephone (2326-4405) if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your support and assistance.

The U.S. Embassy will be holding a Town Hall Meeting in Antigua Guatemala on January 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Proyecto Cultural El Sitio located at 5a Calle Poniente #15.
Consular and other Embassy Officials will present information of interest to American Citizens in Guatemala and will be available to answer your questions.

Michele Bond, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas American Citizen Services, will also be in attendance. The Embassy is planning to hold Town Hall Meetings in other locations in Guatemala and an announcement will be made once dates have been confirmed.

Embassy of the United States of America
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Map of Guatemala

Map of Guatemala

Map Lake Atitlan / Lago de Atitlán

Map Lake Atitlan / Lago de Atitlán

Monday, February 2, 2009

Unique Batik ~ NC Fair Trade wholesaler

Unique Batik,
215 Bickett Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27608. 919-856-0448
M-F 8-5 EST or
Unique Batik: Fairly traded, adventure-ready bags, clothes, and charmed objects from Guatemala, Ghana, and beyond!

Supplies One World Market, Durham NC:
811 9th St # 100
Durham, NC 27705