Friday, February 2, 2007

Harlowwx eh its been dunno hw many donkey yrs since i posted!!!Haiz maths test gt 26/40 i was aiming for A1...too MANY CARELESS MISTAKES, so lost marks..=.= NVM the nxt alebra test i pia!^^Heh.
Band is fun but stressful sometimes but i am trying to get my tone!!!!!!!!(eeeeee its airy) The trumpet junior very cute worx bai bai fat fat de but i think is martin de didi O.O (i happie coz i taller!!^^) ~jk~ Erm my junior asho nt bad arhx ^^ i like her hair though...lolx. (i'm still scared of Mr Lim)
Haiz...i still gt 5months to change hp.....
The podcasting lesson was fun.(coz the mac com was cool) The self esteem talk asho but the image a bit censored and disgusting.Mr Leow's lesson was O.K. but i cant stand his mono tone---------- v-o-i-c-e- i wan sleep....But the practical was fun. o.<

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