Friday, February 16, 2007

wheeee ITS CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! lalala~ See i got post de my blog not dead. Yu jia LOOK I AM POSTING.
Ok today's chinese new yr celebration was erm hilarious and sian i was staring at dunno wad in front of me and ya i keep staring. It was SO boring we were seated at last row at the BACK! Wad makes them think we can see from the back=.= when there are super long senior heads in front of us.So tat's the first sian thing.Second, i dunno wad the infocom doin the microphone, spotlight and wadeva light were kinda "lag"so it put me off the performance. Third, the performance was juz not exciting...but i dunno y nicole so high. lol (O.O?) Geri was stoning. Practically everyone was stoning and sianing.
Then on valentine's day, everyone was came early in the morning then went to 4/2 meet geri to pei her give out her "homemade' chocolates. Was it nice? I duno coz i nvr had the courage to eat them. =x I gave golden chocs to ppl tat i feel like giving (golden...) Eh i asho gt a lot of candies too but most melted when i gt home so i freeze them in my freezer. Mr Leow and Mrs chua gave us ang baos with chocs(i want $$$) like i said they melted so i froze em and i haven eaten. em. AAHHH i suddenly rmb! S*** I PROMISED MR LEOW PASS UP SRP THIS MORNING!CCCCrap arh... die... hw.... Oh toot.
Today, we were suppoes to wear ethnic clothes (NT COSTUMES) and i wore mine. It was fun haha.But we lost.Nvm we gt 2nd fer noticeboard. Ms Hu and Ms Tan came back too!!! WHOOTS~! They grow prettier ler wor ms tan had a haircut and i think it suits her bur maybe she shld dye it. Ms Hu has always been pretty.She was giving us tips be4 we had our lite test and i guess it helps coz i wrote some of them in my paper.
This chinese new year holiday is nt gonna be fun at all. I got like so much maths hmwk and i dun hav any inspiration fer my art! EEK! (I cant draw myself.)*sigh

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