Friday, February 16, 2007

wheeee ITS CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! lalala~ See i got post de my blog not dead. Yu jia LOOK I AM POSTING.
Ok today's chinese new yr celebration was erm hilarious and sian i was staring at dunno wad in front of me and ya i keep staring. It was SO boring we were seated at last row at the BACK! Wad makes them think we can see from the back=.= when there are super long senior heads in front of us.So tat's the first sian thing.Second, i dunno wad the infocom doin the microphone, spotlight and wadeva light were kinda "lag"so it put me off the performance. Third, the performance was juz not exciting...but i dunno y nicole so high. lol (O.O?) Geri was stoning. Practically everyone was stoning and sianing.
Then on valentine's day, everyone was came early in the morning then went to 4/2 meet geri to pei her give out her "homemade' chocolates. Was it nice? I duno coz i nvr had the courage to eat them. =x I gave golden chocs to ppl tat i feel like giving (golden...) Eh i asho gt a lot of candies too but most melted when i gt home so i freeze them in my freezer. Mr Leow and Mrs chua gave us ang baos with chocs(i want $$$) like i said they melted so i froze em and i haven eaten. em. AAHHH i suddenly rmb! S*** I PROMISED MR LEOW PASS UP SRP THIS MORNING!CCCCrap arh... die... hw.... Oh toot.
Today, we were suppoes to wear ethnic clothes (NT COSTUMES) and i wore mine. It was fun haha.But we lost.Nvm we gt 2nd fer noticeboard. Ms Hu and Ms Tan came back too!!! WHOOTS~! They grow prettier ler wor ms tan had a haircut and i think it suits her bur maybe she shld dye it. Ms Hu has always been pretty.She was giving us tips be4 we had our lite test and i guess it helps coz i wrote some of them in my paper.
This chinese new year holiday is nt gonna be fun at all. I got like so much maths hmwk and i dun hav any inspiration fer my art! EEK! (I cant draw myself.)*sigh

Friday, February 9, 2007

Hrmmmm...its week 6 of term one this week.So fast, common test nxt week ler.I juz came back frm band pracccccc. Aaaa today Mr lim was in bad..bad...bad mooooood.....d..dd. So i aso kennna like other ppl frm him. So hav ta jia you then i brought home the tuner, flute and file which is so heavy heavy! Almost fell down in the bus.=.=feh. JIA YOU! But my sis say to identify wether i'm in tune, her method is to hav me to tune my concert B flat with a tuner 1st then play tat "in-tuned" note for ONE HOUR WOR! Dunno lah but she says it works so y not ^^.
T.T I failed my algebra mental test though><(nt tat i'm proud)eh its tedious though..zzz dunno hw those A* ppl's brain is like.(woah~=.=)then on thurs and fri we had these china students joining us for lessons, and its kinda funny larh..ya.There was this China boy appointed to my sci practical grp to do practical with us then there was a leak in his BOTTLE of ink which he brought to refill his pen. His whole bag kenna ink, then he sooo quiet sumore nvr ask 4 tissue i hav ta ask mr leow...=.= HAIZ!(guess he shy)lol. HEE we boiled purple cabbage which was so COOL. We added the so call "juice" from the cabbage to these funny variety of "substances" and the substances tured colour^^ so fun.><
i think i post too much ler still gt maths hmwk~~~

Friday, February 2, 2007

Harlowwx eh its been dunno hw many donkey yrs since i posted!!!Haiz maths test gt 26/40 i was aiming for A1...too MANY CARELESS MISTAKES, so lost marks..=.= NVM the nxt alebra test i pia!^^Heh.
Band is fun but stressful sometimes but i am trying to get my tone!!!!!!!!(eeeeee its airy) The trumpet junior very cute worx bai bai fat fat de but i think is martin de didi O.O (i happie coz i taller!!^^) ~jk~ Erm my junior asho nt bad arhx ^^ i like her hair though...lolx. (i'm still scared of Mr Lim)
Haiz...i still gt 5months to change hp.....
The podcasting lesson was fun.(coz the mac com was cool) The self esteem talk asho but the image a bit censored and disgusting.Mr Leow's lesson was O.K. but i cant stand his mono tone---------- v-o-i-c-e- i wan sleep....But the practical was fun. o.<