Thursday, September 7, 2006

Hiie!!Ah...sry fer not updating fer so long and i got so many things to say!Ok lets start from my band camp!^^Um it was really fun during the band camp and it was my 1st camp in andss since i came 2 andss.Eh, we had drills in the morning and our dear RO got us chopsticks! YES chopsticks. 2 hold in our hands so tat she could spot our mistakes better.''-_-it was realli funny lar. Sanangdiri position de time got quite a few ppl drop the chopsticks....HAHA!!!me too...dots.After tat we have spring cleaning!Me and geri swept the floor.Then we had our instrument maintenance session.Wheeee lurveee tat one! I dunno use wad ah-ma powder (yinshuen call it tat) to polish my flute and its G~L~O~W~S!!!!So pretty leh my flute, i cant bear 2 touch it. But arh after tat got sectionals and band pracs so no choice. Lights out de time i sleep on gym mattress coz i dint bring my sleeping bag and the gym mattress STINKS!!!Dunno hw many hundreds of ppl used it and their sweat on it....eeeeEE.Geri and rachel slept with me tat nite but tey r both luckier tey slept on sleeping bags.Geri slept on michelle's and rachel slept on min jun's.Haha nxt mornin min jun screamed at rachel 4 sleeping on her sleeping bag, making her sleep on the
Woke up at 5 in the morning and we had PT. Well it was raining so we ran rounds and play captain's ball in the hall.WA!U dint see how the seniors play captain's ball!VIOLENT LOT OF PPL!!!Me and geri dare not even snatch the ball frm our seniors sia tey were too violent. Ah after band pracs and lunch we went home at 6pm sooo tired and worn... jia hui still ask me walk with her and joe wei and a bunch of other guys to the MRT station but i cannot tah han liao. I reach home very hungry lar, gobble my food, bathe, sleep. I slept 4 like 14hrs den wake up.So shiok!Den at 12pm have 2 go AMK MRT station 2 meet the rest of the recruits coz we r going 2 prepare our prezzies 4 our tchrs and conductors.Heeheee...secret. We went 2 vanessa's house 2 prepare the prezzies and min jun brought a DVD call "moulin rouge" it was so nice! Min jun explain 2 me the story den i inderstand, the visual picture was so nice but the lead actress died in the end, so sad.....wahwahwah. But tat joewei dun understand he juz wan 2 watch coz he wan see the actress vanessa call him "xing li bian tai">Bye bye gtg wish me luck on together concert .^^

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