Monday, August 7, 2006

Hiie ppl! U noe y i so free these 2 daes 2 blog? Ha! Coz i'm waiting for the maplestory 2 finish doin its stupid server check and maple patch!!! WASTE SO MUCH TIME LOH!!!grrr....!Wait and wait and wait so i cum and blog =)
oh and 2dae we had the national dae celebration!!!So fun(merlion dress up) can c so mani tchrs kenna bein dress as merlion muahaha... so funny...the funniest one was the guy in sec 4 who come up the platform with 2 BIG ballons stuffed under his shirt!eeeeee!Then he started singing into the mic his 'merlion song' so gross!!! Oh My Tian!!!Ah the making of the flag part, i think i saw 3 of my Cnior, seow hui, rebecca and jin jun wjo r in the same class walking uo the platform carrying their flag.Hahaha looks like the march past sia!
Den after tat we go do CIP. The old folks tere r like so stiff lar we sing song, tey juz look at us like we r animals in the zoo ''-_- So embarassing lor! Mrs chua still ask me hold the old lady's hand and sing!!!!!!! So weird.>>>>kk tats all i hav ta say>>>Bye

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