Saturday, September 9, 2006 is 10.45pm(according 3 my clock) whee juz come back from my very 1st together concert which is made specially 4 we the recruits!!!Yay!!!Well i'll tell ya bout my day!!!(Haha...i'm high....dunno y...0_O) Ok, i came at 8am in the morning, early rite?But lucky i sleep early yesterday...but u wont want 2 noe wad time i sleep coz its really early.=)Eh we recruits came so early coz we nid ta prepare our last touches on our prezzies 4 our tchrs and conductors, um we bought doggie bones the real ones sols at pet shops...ya it was quite ex compared 2 making cards.But its ok, my cniors think its vanessa brought the cookies too.Ah then after tat we had a little bit of drills then brought all our instruments and stands up the hall, then Mr lim gave us 18 mins lunch.Wa tat was the shortest lunch i ever had, i ate a chocolate bar and a can of drink.But it kept me full througout the concert.Um we recruits were the usherers for the audience, very weird leh dunno y i dare not tok 2 the audience...But later we went back 2 the backstage, i and geri fool around behind the curtains when the concert began with the 1st three songs, then when it came 2 junior band march i was quite nervous flute squeak a few times but i think i'm too soft 2 be heard lah so no diff.Later after the concert, we had a little slideshow on we the recruits and the band and the ROs, it was very cute, the pics in the slideshow were cute!!!!Everone looks pretty 2 me in the slideshow and thankies 2 the ROs for wad tey had done for us!!!I think i'm gonna miss recruit life after this concert and i join the main band...sad...Nvm aniway lets go back 2 where i stopped, after the slideshow its time 4 ppl 2 give wadever flowers they have ( i receive one stalk of purple sweet and nice of my!!!!After tat we went 2 Mcdonalds we did "something" there but i better not tell in case some recruits r reading this....heeheee Ok tats all fer now i goin sleep ler...bye bye!!!

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