Monday, August 7, 2006

Yay 2moro national dae celebration hav half dae sch!!! 1st in the mornin we will hav celebration den we will go old folks home do CIP (diao) my grp goin PLAY GAMES WITH OLD PPL!!!!(Oh My Tian, Oh My Tian) I think we will bore them out lor but nvm! Our job is 2 do CIP so dun care lor ...haha (i'm evil~~~)
EEK----my sis's sch concert coming but i cant go coz mummy say cannot go coz she say after band prac still hav 2 rush 2 see concert very tiring and mah fan...''-_-AHHH and TWO of my Cniors r goin ''bleah'' wah......(jealous)
Hmm...i owe min jun 5 sticks of candy liaow all 2 ether bout $2+...Coz i abandon her and took bus 88 instead of bus 74 for 5 times...SO JI JIAO RITE???
Good news too! Geri kena transferred 2 french horn le! She so happi tere ah....finally she can buzz!!!!! whee she'll be sitting the same row but it makes no difference lah.Tat time i so happi then my Cnior say i like little kiddy li tat...happi over such things. HA i'm li tat lor~~~BYEBYE

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