Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brian Austin Green

It’s hard to believe now, but I didn’t watch much TV as a kid. I ran home from school to catch Kids Incorporated and The Mickey Mouse Club at 4:00 almost every day. And I was known to have a few friends over to watch TGIF (Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, and Step By Step) on occasion. But I didn’t watch anything else. Until I hit the mature age of 12 and discovered the greatest show ever to hit television. Beverly Hills, 90210.

I begged and pleaded with my mom to let me stay up once a week to watch it. My 9 year old sister and I shared a bedroom so I’d have to go through the whole bedtime routine. Brush teeth, get in pajamas, get in bed and pretend to go to sleep. When the clock hit 8:55, I snuck out of bed and went into the den to watch.

In the beginning I was in love with Dylan. I was only in 6th grade, so his behavior was shocking to me, but I couldn’t help but love the bad boy as much as Brenda did. Soon enough, I started to love Brandon more and more. He was cuter, had the best hair, the best car and the best jobs.

I loved the girls too. I identified with Brenda, but I wanted to be cool Kelly.

Then there were the cast members that no one really liked. Donna and David were ok. Steve and Andrea drove me nuts!

Cut to December of 2005. I had been begging Jacob for a kitten for years. His family never had any pets and he didn’t know how to deal with one. I always had a cat or dog, even in college, and I felt like we were missing something. I told him I’d take care of a cat 100% of the time. A few days before Christmas, he arranged a half day off with my boss. He picked me up for lunch, and after we ate we went to the animal shelter to pick out a kitten and then on to the pet supply store to stock up on all things cat related. Best surprise ever!

While we were driving home, we started talking about names. I love a quirky pet name. Friends of mine have named their cats Apollo, Nike and Speedboat. And other friends named their dogs Cow and Soda. While trying to come up with a unique name, I threw out the name Brian Austin Green. Although, he wasn’t my favorite 90210 alum, Jason Priestly just didn’t have the same ring to it. Jacob laughed hysterically. I had a winner!

My friends totally love his name. Others thought I was just weird. Mostly older people and especially my husband’s entire family. They are pretty conservative and don’t understand my sense of humor or pop culture references. But we love it, that’s all that matters.

Brian Austin Green is a long name to shout out when calling a kitten, so we quickly nicknamed him “B” and that’s pretty much what we call him all the time. I admit, I do call out all three names when he does something to irritate me, much like a mother would “middle name” her child when angry.

So without further adieu, I give you  our one and only pet, Brian Austin Green.

I told Jacob if we ever get another kitten, I want a girl and I'm naming her Rachel Green. You know, from Friends. Then they’d have the same last name!

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