Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pugs Poop on Rainbows/ Intro/ Master Blacksmith

This is Moochie.
Since most of my friends are bloggers and have nothing but praise for blogs, I decided I too would start one. Why not? I myself am quite a fan of blogs, checking daily for interesting clips, pics, tips, etc. and if while I might find this initially hard to get started, I thought I would include this picture of my dog. A three-year-old black pug named Mooch. He is the love of my life, my best friend and one of the reasons I will someday have a pug ranch. I want nothing more than to raise pugs. I just think they are great and anytime I see a pug I my reaction is run towards them and start hyperventilating with excitement. Seriously no joke. So anyway, diagnosed pugaholic/crazy pug lady/proud pug parent- that's why it's pugs poop on rainbows.

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