Saturday, February 27, 2010

Almanaque Bertrand, 1934

Almanaque Bertrand, 1934 - 42, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Click image for 805 x 358 size.


Villa della Regina in the hillside of Torino

interior of the Villa della Regina

working table

Matteo from Fondazione CRT

Gianluigi Ricuperati, Matteo from CRT and curator Corinne Diserens

Corinne Diserens

Jean Baptiste Joly from Solitud Akademie and Gianluigi Recuperati

Fabrizio Gallanti from Abitare and ex-Store Front director, Joseph Grima

Fabrizio Gallanti's trainers

Pablo Leon de la Barra

working table

view of Torino, with the snowed mountains as backdrop from the Villa della Regina

Reclining Deco lady

Reclining Deco lady, originally uploaded by mpt.1607.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Almanaque Bertrand, 1934 - Fatally short-sighted (wordless story)

Click image for 420 x 1177 size.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Pedrosa and Hoffmann joint speech at the last Lyon Biennale.

Adriano Pedrosa and Jens Hoffmann appointed curators of the 12th International Istanbul Biennial

The 12th International Istanbul Biennial is set for 17 September-13 November 2011, under the curatorship of Adriano Pedrosa and Jens Hoffmann.

Adriano Pedrosa, born in 1965 in Rio de Janeiro, is an independent curator, editor and writer based in São Paulo. He has published in Artforum (New York), Art Nexus (Bogota), Art+Text (Sydney), Tate etc (London), Exit (Madrid), and Frieze (London), among others. Pedrosa curated F[r]icciones (with Ivo Mesquita, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, 2000), was adjunct curator and editor of publications of the XXIV Bienal de São Paulo (1998), co-curator and co-editor of publications of the 27th Bienal de São Paulo (2006), curator of Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte (2001-2003), curator of InSite_05, San Diego/Tijuana (2005), curator of 31st Panorama da Arte Brasileira (Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, 2009), and artistic director of the 2nd Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan (2009). He was a juror of the UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts (Istanbul Biennial, 2001), of the Prêmio EDP Novos Artistas (Museu Serralves, Porto, 2003), and of the Hugo Boss Prize (Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2004). Pedrosa is on the editorial board of The Exhibitionist: A Journal for Exhibition Making and is the founding director of Programa Independente da Escola São Paulo.

Jens Hoffmann, born in 1974 in San José, Costa Rica, is a writer and curator of exhibitions based in San Francisco where he is the Director of the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts. Hoffmann has worked for a number of art institutions including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; KIASMA -- Museum for Contemporary Art, Helsinki; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; The Hugh Lane Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; DIA Center for the Arts, New York, Kunstverein in Hamburg; Kunst-Werke, Berlin; Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles; Museum Kunst-Palast, Düsseldorf as well as for exhibitions such as Documenta X (1997), the 1st Berlin Biennial (1998), and the 9th Lyon Biennial (2007). He was the Director of Exhibitions at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London (2003--2007) and co-curator of the 2nd Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan (2009). He is currently co-curating, with Harrell Fletcher, the 1st People's Biennial, taking place in five US museums in 2010. Hoffmann is senior lecturer at the Curatorial Practice Program of the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, a guest professor at the Nova Academia di Bella Arti in Milan and an adjunct faculty member of the Curatorial Studies Program of Goldsmiths College, University of London. He is the founding editor of The Exhibitionist: A Journal on Exhibition Making.

The curators of the 12th International Istanbul Biennial were appointed by the Advisory Board of the International Istanbul Biennial. The advisory board consists of the artistic director of dOCUMENTA (13) Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, contemporary artist Ayşe Erkmen, art consultant Melih Fereli, director of Exhibitions and Public Programs and chair of the Exhibitions and Museum Studies Program at San Francisco Art Institute Hou Hanru and director of the Sharjah Art Foundation and Al-Ma'mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem Jack Persekian.

The conceptual framework of the 12th International Istanbul Biennial will be announced by a press conference to be held in autumn 2010 by the curators; Adriano Pedrosa and Jens Hoffmann.

Ball-Nogues Studio

Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues

The Bitch is Back

Release Date: 9/10/10
Oooo yeeeaaa baby!

Theo Jansen is The Man

Girls Say / Boys Say

Naomi, JJ, Emily, Cook, Effy, Freddie, Pandora, Katie & Thomas

If you are not already, prepare yourself to become OBSESSED with the brilliant teen dramady SKINS. Now on it's 4th season, BBC's E4 has given us something new to get our knickers in a bunch over. The cast, led by Skins veteran and drop-dead-gorgeous brunette bombshell Kaya Scodelario along with a faboosh new cast (well, since the third season) echoes the desperate cries and thrill seeking attention any hard-partying teen endures throughout their last two years or high school (or college for those hip brits) Drugs. Sex. Rock and Roll. And

More Sex and Drugs. This is definitely worth taking time to pirate/download

online or on i-tunes! The girls are gorg and the hunks are hott! Might I recommend Megavideo?!

Yeah, Valentines Day Was a Week Ago, But...

I Tell You That 'I Love You'

sometimes i feel i could tell you
that when i told you what i did
when i uttered the words
looking up at the stars on my back
tripping out of my mind and all over the universe
that it wasn't as real as the for real time
i told you i loved you lying naked in your arms
in my bed with lights off

Dedicated to the One I Love

with the passing of every day
i become more incessantly fond of you
the way your smile curls up past your nose
when you see my face
you make my heart race
and my stomach ache
and i know
that i am madly in love with you

got in this to get into technology
revolutionary advances
and carpeltunnel
ergonomic instructions
mugs with mug rugs
fake plastic plants
rubber band cannonballs
and coupons to the food court
ahh my chair swivels and rolls
as to assist me to the water cooler
without bipedal interaction
or use of interpersonal skills
god they were foolish to teach me
how to build a resume
it's even more foolish to think
i would need one

Pugs Poop on Rainbows/ Intro/ Master Blacksmith

This is Moochie.
Since most of my friends are bloggers and have nothing but praise for blogs, I decided I too would start one. Why not? I myself am quite a fan of blogs, checking daily for interesting clips, pics, tips, etc. and if while I might find this initially hard to get started, I thought I would include this picture of my dog. A three-year-old black pug named Mooch. He is the love of my life, my best friend and one of the reasons I will someday have a pug ranch. I want nothing more than to raise pugs. I just think they are great and anytime I see a pug I my reaction is run towards them and start hyperventilating with excitement. Seriously no joke. So anyway, diagnosed pugaholic/crazy pug lady/proud pug parent- that's why it's pugs poop on rainbows.

Almanaque Bertrand, 1934 - Automatic cleaning chambers

Click image for 738 x 922 size.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Exhibitionist: Journal on Exhibition Making

The Exhibitionist, a new journal made by curators, for curators, focusing solely on the practice of exhibition making. The objective is to create a wider platform for the discussion of curatorial concerns – encourage a diversification of curatorial models, and actively contribute to the formation of a theory of curating. It is published by Archive Books and will be distributed internationally, selling at major and specialty bookstores and newsstands.

The Exhibitionist will be published twice a year and will follow a strict editorial structure. In each issue, the Curators’ Favorites section will present three texts in which three curators write a personal essay about an exhibition, contemporary or historic, that has particularly impacted their thinking, followed by Back in the Day – an in-depth look at a historically important exhibition. In Assessments, the core of the journal, four curators will review a significant contemporary exhibition, each from his or her individual point of view. Typologies debates specific exhibition formats. Attitude features a text by a member of the editorial board reflecting on the current state of exhibition making. In Rear Mirror, two curators reflect upon exhibitions they have recently curated. And, finally, Endnote, a brief remark on a notable aspect of curatorial practice. Every fourth issue will include a conversation between some of the contributors about past issues; in this way the journal offers a forum for self-reflexivity.

The Exhibitionist: Journal on Exhibition Making
Editor: Jens Hoffmann
Senior Editor: Tara McDowell
Editorial Board: Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Okwui Enwezor, Mary Jane Jacob, Constance Lewallen, Maria Lind, Chus Martínez, Jessica Morgan, Julian Myers, Paul O’Neill, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Adriano Pedrosa, Dorothea von Hantelmann
Editorial Founders: Jens Hoffmann and Chiara Figone

Archive Books is an independent publishing house committed to the development of a range of activities dedicated to contemporary cultural production. Its work explores and conveys art publications as a method to bring art practices into the public discussion. Archive Books aims to produce and distribute printed materials, allowing to create and maintain a dialogue between cultural research and the social sphere.

Archive Kabinett is a platform from where to experiment with formats and concepts related to the field of publishing. Its intent is to investigate art practices in the context of a wider cultural and social environment. Archive Kabinett’s agenda is focused on the shifting cultural values and distribution possibilities, aiming also to encourage a critical discussion around the function of an exhibition. From this starting point, it translates, organizes, and circulates critically invested materials.

For subscriptions and/or individual copies
of The Exhibitionist you can also email: