Thursday, November 26, 2009


Actual height =(

Altered height! =D


Erm... band photo?

Martin's longan cake.

Anderson military band 2009 batch photo!

Went out with martin ytd to celebrate his birthday! Hmmm, shant tell the details here. HAHA =P Went out in the morning to queenstown, den headed to vivo to watch mulan, after that went to bugis to buy my working shoes, headed to doughby ghaut(aiya dunno how spell la, u know can liao) to have Carl's junior for dinner and at last headed home. Above is just some pictures that we took..

On wednesday was our passing out parade (POP), and we celebrated martin's birthday too in advance as seen in the pictures up there... Mr Leow ordered some buffet catering services, and ITS ALL MEAT can. No veggie sia. After that went home to bathe then went with martin to crash Rachel's house again with geri, minjun, joewei, michelle and seowhui. Lol, they played mahjong till like 9?10? i think. Rae's mum's cooking was damn nice man.

Shahril and Martin's coming over later to take out shahril's ear- ring lol! He says he cant take it out.... Aiyo he shouldnt take out now, its only a week old. Martin's staying for dinner! yay. Gotta shop for committtee present later! Farewell party tmr! Bye.

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